nOS, a virtual operating system built on a NEO, has announced its whitelist lottery results and KYC deadline its public token sale. A total of 21,184 lottery entries were submitted from 27,320 users during the whitelist process, of which 15,000 lottery winners were chosen. Lottery winners now have until October 11th 20:00 CEST to submit their KYC information to participate in the token sale event.

Instructions for checking one’s whitelist results and submitting KYC have been provided. Users can see their whitelist results from within the nOS application by clicking “check my whitelist lottery results” from the main menu. From there, lottery winners will be given access to a KYC form to finalize their entries.

It should be noted that if nOS receives more than 2,000 invalid or missing KYC entries, a proportionate number of participants will be whitelisted for the token sale using similar rules as the previous lottery.

Details of the lottery have been provided and shared below:

  • Total Registered Users: 27,320
  • Total Lottery Participants: 21,184
  • Selected Lottery Winners: 15,000
  • Total Presale Users: 1,410
  • Total Participants: (Public Sale + Presale) 16,409
  • KYC End Date: October 11th 20:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time)
  • Lottery Start Date: September 28th 20:00 CEST
  • Lottery End Date: October 5th 20:00 CEST
  • Public Sale Individual Allocation:
    Round 1: (15,750,000 – final amount reserved for presale participants) / (Whitelisted Public Sale Participants + Whitelisted Presale Participants)
    Round 2: 90,000 tokens, first come first serve. The Round 2 allocation only consists of the unsold tokens from the Presale + Public Sale Round 1.

The team also released two MD5 hashes that contain the rules of the lottery. The hashes allow people to verify that the lottery process has not been altered from its original ruleset.

For conducting the lottery, the lottery key was 66094938 on the NEO MainNet at 20:00:00.

More information on nOS can be found at the links below.