nOS has announced the release of nOS Client v0.4.5. The updated version addresses network connectivity issues experienced by some users. nOS is a virtual operating system that will run on mobile and desktop, and functions like a browser and app store for accessing dApps.

In addition to “major networking improvements,” the nOS Client update will allow users to view their NOS tokens in the Account tab. Additional improvements include:

  • Added ability to perform multiple test invokes in nOS API
  • Updated token balance fetches to reduce number of RPC requests.
  • Updated block polling frequency to reduce number of RPC requests.
  • Updated account holdings to sort tokens.
  • Updated account holdings to localize token amounts.
  • Fixed NEO RPC node selection when calculating block height.
  • Fixed primary holding icon positioning in account breakdown chart.

For more information about nOS visit one of the links below.