O3 Labs aims to expose more users to the Neo ecosystem through multi-chain products. O3 Labs lead business developer Alexander DiGirolamo joined episode 48 of the Neo News Today podcast to discuss the team’s approach to new user acquisition.
O3 Labs offers wallets for Chrome, Android, and iOS which were initially oriented around the Neo and Ontology ecosystems. However, these two blockchains only make up a small share of activity in the blockchain industry. Neo comprises approximately 0.17% of the overall market cap at the time of press, while Bitcoin and Ethereum combined represent roughly 80%.
By solely offering Neo and Ontology services, O3 Labs could only service a small segment of the market. To increase access to new users, O3 Labs added Bitcoin and Ethereum functionality. In a recent AMA, DiGirolamo said:
One of the challenges we faced as a wallet was that we originally only supported Neo and Ontology. While those [assets] might be big in some markets, in the western market, their influence or reach was largely limited.
One of DiGirolamo’s tasks is to help grow the O3 community. Since the new O3 Labs team took over, the O3 Labs Twitter has grown to 15.7k followers, and the Telegram channel grew from zero to 2,300 members. Further, the Android version of the mobile wallet has been downloaded over 1,000 times.
DiGirolamo pointed out some new users do not know about Neo. He said, “We initially had kind of an education process where we tried to sharpen the messaging for Neo, [and] explain to the public what advantages Neo has over some other cryptocurrencies.”
He noted speed, tools for multiple developer languages, and low transaction costs as benefits of the Neo blockchain.
Looking forward, O3 Labs will focus on collaboration and interoperability. O3 Labs web wallet developers will continue working closely with Neo Global Development on Flamingo Finance and the team is researching interoperability projects like Polkadot.
The full interview can be seen below:

About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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