In this episode of The Smart Economy Podcast, host Dylan Grabowski is joined by Pavel Sinelnikov, Developer Relations Lead at ZKM, a network focusing on zero-knowledge virtual machines (ZKVM) for universal settlement.

Join them as they:

  • Discuss lessons learned in Ethereum growth and applying them to Bitcoin
  • Analyze the importance of Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) co-existing
  • Unpack the different types of L2 rollups
  • Delve into the ethos of decentralization and how ZKM applies that to its sequencer network
  • Unpack how ZKM offers Sustainable Yield Generation
  • Shine a light on ZKM’s decentralized sequencer network and the security that it offers
  • And much more!

Pavel Sinelnikov is the Developer Relations Lead at ZKM. With a strong background in blockchain technology and a keen interest in decentralized systems, Pavel has previously worked with notable blockchain projects like Metis, where he was instrumental in developer relations and ambassador coordination. He has also provided educational components on decentralized finance (DeFi) to prominent financial institutions like the Royal Bank of Canada.

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