General Updates
Secure3 unveiled the findings of a recent Neo X EVM sidechain audit. The most notable issues found in the audit included confusion about token registration and deregistration, accounting for fees on transfer tokens, and hashing issues. The Neo team addressed these issues by disallowing the deregistration of token bridges and introducing a balance check before and after transfers.
Neo is a Platinum Sponsor for the WebX 2024 conference taking place in Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 28 and 29. WebX 2024 is produced by CoinPost, Japan’s largest Web3 media entity. WebX 2023 attracted approximately 16,500 attendees from more than 40 countries. Neo Global Development’s Head of Ecosystem Growth John Wang is scheduled to speak at the event.
COZ hosted an AMA on the official Neo sub-Reddit to answer questions from the community about the roadmap for the forthcoming Neon Wallet v3. COZ’s CEO, marketing director, Neon platform lead, and Neon product design lead fielded questions about the soon-to-launch multi-chain non-custodial wallet.
GhostMarket launched a new feature called “Lucky Buy,” designed to offer users an alternative method for purchasing NFTs at a potentially reduced price. The Lucky Buy process is based on a random number generation that allows a user to “roll” for a reduced bid on an NFT. If successful, the user acquires the NFT at a reduced price (subsidized by the GhostMarket treasury). If the roll fails, the user’s bid amount is transferred to the treasury. The feature is currently available on the Neo N3 blockchain and is expected to expand to other EVM-integrated blockchains.
GhostMarket integrated the NeoChat address-to-address chatting application built on Neo N3. Users of the NFT platform can now send direct messages to NFT owners via their public wallet addresses.
Neo Dashboard released a series of tutorial videos to help walk Neo ecosystem users through bridging assets between Neo N3 and X, swapping Neo X tokens on Forthewin Network, adding Neo X tokens to Meta Mask, and the Lucky Bid feature on GhostMarket.
A new lend-and-borrow protocol called Intersect Finance was announced as a collaboration with Neo. The DeFi team plans to build a platform for flash loans on the Neo X EVM sidechain, though limited information about the team behind the exchange is available.
Frank Coin released a video overview of the Meme2Earn platform. Frank Coin also hosted a community quiz on the team’s official Telegram channel, where the top three participants each won 80 FLM, and ten random winners each won 50 FRANK tokens.
Flamingo shared statistics on the FLUND single-sided staking token for week 31 of 2024, noting approximately $5.2 million in total value, $2.96 million in total minting rewards, and $549,000 in total trading fee rewards.
Developer Updates
Neo SPCC shared a video update report for June and July 2024, which noted updates on two NeoGo releases, storing Neo N3 blocks on NeoFs, the launch of Neo X, a new release of the dBFT library that’s a pre-requisite for the anti-MEV feature for Neo X, and more.
NNT Catch Up
NNT editors co-hosted Crypto Coffee and Blockchain Beer Spaces #29 on the official The Smart Economy Podcast X account. Topics of discussion included account abstraction on Neo N3, using hardware keys and passkeys for security, and the initial successes of the NeoPod ambassador program. Guil. Sperb Machado from AxLabs joined the pod to talk about X’s native bridge, what surprised him about the launch of X, and projects that have already begun building on Neo X.
Gate.io integrated support for Neo X into its non-custodial wallet.
Aug. 16: NNT editors hosting CC & BB #30 on The Smart Economy Podcast official X account.
Aug. 28 – 29: Neo is a Platinum Sponsor for WebX 2024 conference in Tokyo, Japan.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski