General Updates
Neo Global Development released the general monthly report for October 2023, which noted the conclusion of the Neo APAC Hackathon in Hong Kong, the announcement of the NeoEVM sidechain, partnerships, community engagement, and much more.
NNT and COZ met with the district directors for Representatives Dr. Yadira Caraveo and Brittany Pettersen in Denver, CO. The purpose of the meeting was for the Neo ecosystem and other Web3 project owners to share more about their work in Colorado, learn where the Congressional representatives stand on issues, and discuss areas of overlap.
Neo joined INTOVerse’s node program by staking 1 million TOX tokens and becoming a Top 50 staking entity. The INTOVerse nodes validate transactions, secure the network, and maintain the consensus mechanism. By participating in the consensus process, nodes contribute to the integrity and security of the INTOverse blockchain.
Flamingo released a recording of the November Community Lagoon, where the leadership team discussed the development and marketing plans for Neo’s DeFi platform and answered questions from the community. Additionally, Flamingo released statistics on the top tokens by volume for Week 49 of 2023, noting approximately $3.54 million in bNEO, $3.23 million in FLM, and $1.15 million in GAS.
Meme2Earn shared a recording of its recent Fireplace, where the team burnt TIPS tokens and discussed the meme-based platform, recent contests, future plans, the TIPS cryptocurrency, and more. Additionally, the Meme2Earn OG NFT limited edition series has sold out, distributing 80 tokens on the open market. The final 20 OG NFTs will be distributed as rewards for contests.
nDapp.org added World of Elements to the dApp section of the application discovery platform.
Developer Updates
Neo SPCC released a video update highlighting the team’s progress in October and November, which noted NeoGo improvements, collaboration with Bane Labs on the NeoEVM sidechain, NeoFS updates, and more.
COZ launched the first version of the Contract Package Manager, which is a command-line tool for developing and interacting with smart contracts. The CPM allows developers to download third-party smart contracts and state from the target network (i.e., MainNet) to a neo-express network test environment. Users can also generate on-chain and off-chain SDKs based on the smart contract manifest for C#, Golang, Java, Python, and TypeScript.
AxLabs released Neow3j 3.21.2, bringing the development framework up to speed with the recent updates in Neo’s 3.6.2 version. This update introduces new features, such as transaction cancellation and transaction signer retrieval at the VM level.
NNT Catch Up
NNT published an article about Neo community members who were part of a Colorado contingency of blockchain builders and entrepreneurs who were recently in Washington, D.C., to talk with Colorado’s elected legislators about building in blockchain. Coinbase and its nonprofit advocacy group Stand With Crypto organized and chaperoned the trip. COZ CEO Tyler Adams and NNT’s Dylan Grabowski represented Neo on the visit to Capitol Hill to discuss their work in the Neo ecosystem and across Colorado.
NNT published an article about RESPECT, which won the grand prize in the General category of the recent Neo APAC Hackathon, taking home a $10,000 award. RESPECT is a Telegram-based customized-strategy trading bot, where users can set predefined trading strategies for investments. The current V1 implementation is built on the early development version of NeoEVM.
Dec. 20: Unlocking the Chain hosting community X Spaces.
Dec. 26: Flamingo Finance hosting Community Lagoon on its official Discord server.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski