Voting opened for Neospective Round 2, where voters will choose a mascot for the Neo Launchpad competition series from community submissions. The first round of voting runs through July 12 and will determine the top three entries. The final three will then be ranked by vote on July 12 and 13.
NGD hosted DogeRift founder Marko Sinko on the Neo Live AMA series to talk about his team’s upcoming 2D/3D play-to-earn game and NFTs. In the AMA, Sinko discussed the motivation behind building the DogeRift game, the team and its background in game building, the type of gameplay DogeRift will offer, how Bored Doge Club NFT holders can access the beta version of the game, and much more. Participants in the AMA shared rewards from a prize pool comprising US $300 of DOGER tokens and 10 Bored Doge Club NFTs.
NGD Zürich lead Lili Zhao joined the FlowBank interview series Women in Finance to talk about blockchain development, smart contracts, tokenization in finance, the differences between traditional and P2P networks, how decentralized systems fit into a broader financial system, and building in the crypto space versus trading.
NGD Enterprise chief architect Harry Pierson released v3.3.32 of the Neo Blockchain Toolkit, which included an update to the Neo.BuildTasks package, and adds new tests and a new ContractNameOverride attribute to give developers more control over the generated test code.
NGD Enterprise lead John deVadoss was featured in a Cryptoslate article entitled Why industry insiders believe crypto winter will improve Web3. In the article, deVadoss noted that regulation looms in the face of recent protocol and centralized lender collapses.
NNT Catch Up
Neo News Today released episode nine of the Smart Economy Podcast featuring Danielle Wall Elliott, COO of Nayms. Discussion topics included Elliott’s background and time at ShapeShift, the decentralization of ShapeShift as a corporation, how the cryptocurrency space has changed since 2014, the insurance industry becoming more digital, the types of clients Nayms seeks to insure first, the inclusivity cryptocurrency inherently offers, and more. This episode was the first in a new mini-series focusing on women in blockchain.
Developer Groups
AxLabs released Neow3j v3.18.0, which included new streamlined contract interfaces and changes to the handling of iterator values returned from RPC calls. All the changes in the latest release center on the devpack, mostly implementing functionality added in the most recent Neo core updates.
July 4, Flamingo released metrics for June 2022, which noted a trading volume of approximately $162 million and more than 119,000 trades.
July 5, GhostMarket released a recap of its attendance at the NFT.NYC event that took place in June 2022. The fourth annual event attracted more than 16,000 attendees and approximately 1,500 speakers.
July 5, Switcheo Labs launched the Bridge on CarbonHub, which supports the migration of tokens between layer one chains. The Bridge supports Ethereum, BSC, and Carbon, with plans to integrate support for Neo, Zilliqa, and other chains.
July 6, GhostMarket added support for the BitKeepOS wallet, which supports more than 70 layer one blockchain networks and more than 10,000 dApps.
July 7, Ilex NFT announced it will launch Mega Oasis series III and IV, the prices for each NFT (denoted in NEO), the proposed utility for Poleman profile pic NFTs, and future airdrops for Genesis NFT holders.
July 8, TOTHEMOON launched the Fusion Battle Arenas, where Fused Cryptonaut NFTs can participate in player-versus-player competitions. Registration for the first Fusion Battle Tournament (Arena 128) opened on July 8, and the first tournament begins at 4:00 p.m. (UTC) on July 14.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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