Forthewin Network has launched Neo Boyz NFT staking on the Double Farm module, allowing LP contributors to earn increased staking rewards. Users can stake up to three NFTs to qualify for stacked rewards. Four staking tiers are offered (Tier One, Tier Two, Tier Three, and Team Tier), each with a different multiplier. The tiers are broken down according to particular NFT traits or number of Boyz staked:
Tier 1 (1% multiplier)
- Bear Boyz – wearing a Bear Hoodie
- Hacker Boyz – wearing a Hacker Hoodie
Tier 2 (0.75% multiplier)
- Astronaut Boyz – wearing a Spacesuit
- Outlaw Boyz – wearing an Outlaw Shirt
Tier 3 (0.5% multiplier)
- FTW/Rune Boyz – wearing any FTW/Rune clothing
- Neo Boyz – wearing a Neo Shirt
Team Tier (1% multiplier)
- Any three Neo Boyz characters
The Neo Boyz NFTs can be staked by clicking one of the three empty spots in the upper right-hand corner of the Double Farm page, as seen below.
The NFT rewards are stackable, which allows users to add multipliers together if specific requirements are met. For example, a boy with an Outlaw shirt (0.75% multiplier), a boy with a Rune Hoodie (0.5% multiplier), and a boy with no tier (1% for completing the Team Tier) will have a multiplier totaling 2.25%.
The integration of the staking was launched following unanimous community support on Proposal 36, which was held on the Lounge.xyz community-driven governance portal. A total of 147,742.54 NEP tokens were used to vote in favor of the proposal.
About Neo Boyz
Neo Boyz is a profile picture NFT collection featuring characters generated through an algorithm that includes 138 unique traits for background, body, accessories, clothing, eyes, head, and mouth.
At the time of press, 839 Neo Boyz NFTs have been minted out of a total supply of 3,333. The proceeds from the Neo Boyz NFT series will be added to the NEP single-sided staking pool and will go toward development expenses. Forthewin Network intends to launch the single-sided staking pool after the Neo Boyz mint sells out.
NEP added to Poly Network
Forthewin also recently announced that Poly Network added support for the NEP token to the cross-chain bridging protocol. In the Twitter announcement, the team stated their intent to build a cross-chain bridge by leveraging Poly Bridge.
Poly Network is a protocol alliance formed to facilitate cross-chain transactions between all participating blockchains without issuing a new token and with minimal overhead needed for integration. The Poly Bridge is a service that allows users to transfer NFTs and tokens across supported blockchain networks.
More information about Neo Boyz NFT staking can be found below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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