COZ has declared July 12 as Boa Day, on which it plans to launch the first production version of its Python smart contract compiler for Neo N3. To celebrate the v1.0.0 release, the team has planned a number of activities including a hackable contract challenge.

Boa is a vital tool in the Neo Python Framework for creating Neo smart contracts using Python. Initially released in 2017 for Neo Legacy, Boa compiles .py files to .nef and .manifest.json formats, facilitating their usage in the Neo Virtual Machine – the platform used to execute contracts on the Neo Blockchain. The Neo Python Framework aims to enable comprehensive dApp development using Python alone.

Boa Day

Three activities have been planned for community members and developers to celebrate Boa Day.

The first activity, targeting developers, features a special Boa Day website which is connected with a hackable smart contract. Hackers are encouraged to explore, share their findings, and put Boa to work to crack the code and unlock a commemorative NFT prize.

Commemorative Boa Day NFT

Regular users will be able to participate in a Meme of the Day giveaway, in collaboration with All users that submit a meme will be entered into a draw, with limited edition Tribeca Festival One Band rings as the prize.

Additionally, a GasBot-powered Trivia game will be hosted on the official COZ Discord server. Participants will answer questions about Boa to win from a share of 500 GAS.

Interested participants can follow COZ on Twitter or Discord for more information on the activities as they are released.

Tyler Adams, CEO of COZ said:

“We at COZ are delighted to invite you to join us for Boa Day, a milestone event marking the release of Boa v1, our pioneering Python-based smart contract tool. Your enthusiasm and engagement are invaluable as we tackle challenges and push the boundaries of the Web3 world together. This celebration is as much yours as it is ours, and we look forward to sharing this significant day with you.”

The original Boa Day announcement can be found at the link below: