For its April event, NEO Colorado hosted its first developer-oriented workshop in Denver, Colorado. Alex Fragapane of NEO-ONE was the instructor for the evening and delivered a presentation on the structure and design of a simple token smart contract.
The workshop was held at the Galvanize Platte Campus and hosted a handful of participants. Of those in attendance, the majority had not yet developed a smart contract.
The event was live-streamed and recorded by Daniel Glauser of Dazzling.Media, who is a blockchain developer by day and event videographer by night.
Fragapane began his presentation by briefly offering an overview of the tutorials and references on the NEO-ONE website. After the introduction, he conducted a “follow along if you can” style presentation which included defining addresses, establishing token amounts, and testing the code throughout the process.
One attendee remarked on the buildout of the NEO-ONE environment and iterated “I wish I worked in an environment like this.” Another attendee commented on Fragapane’s understanding of NEO-ONE, stating he’d “never seen that [coding] proficiency live before.”
On the same evening of Tuesday the 23rd, NEO-ONE concurrently hosted a developer workshop in Seattle, US. The topic of discussion in the Seattle workshop focused on building a dApp, which included a demo by NEO-ONE founder Alex DiCarlo.
A video of the NEO Colorado event can be found below:

Next NEO Colorado event
The next NEO Colorado event is taking place from 6:30pm (UTC-6) to 8:30pm on Thursday, May 23rd.
NEO Colorado is coordinating with local community groups, Denver Blockchain and EOSDenver, for an evening of knowledge sharing and education with a representative from the NEO, EOS, and Ethereum ecosystems.
The event seeks to deliver a facilitated discussion from ecosystem subject matter experts. After each participant delivers a brief presentation, the audience can participate in a question-and-answer session.
NEO Colorado is coordinating on tentatively offering a live stream of the event.
RSVPs can be made via the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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