On July 11, 2018, APEX announced the release of KRATOS One, a precursory launch to its Special Node Programs: APEXION and KRATOS. An overview of the APEX Nodes program was recently covered by NEO News Today, which can be viewed here.
The KRATOS Program was designed for future APEX token (CPX) holding Voternodes, who participate in the voting process and act as a check-and-balance to Supernodes that process and validate transactions. KRATOS will be comprised of a reward pool of 2 million CPX, to be distributed to users based on the amount of CPX they’ve staked, and their Voternode tiering status.
Official terms and rules for the KRATOS Special Node Program will be released in Quarter 3 of 2018.
The KRATOS One early participation program will reward participants in three waves, spread across a period of four months (From July through October of 2018). Each wave will take place at randomized times of APEX’s choosing, with minimal notice ranging from 6 hours to one week in advance.
Voternodes that qualify for Genesis Tier, Tier One, and Tier Two are able to qualify for KRATOS One reward distribution, as long as users adhere to the rules established for each wave.
The APEX Special Nodes program will launch in Quarter 4 of 2018, prior to the launch of APEX MainNet.
KRATOS One – Wave 1
The first snapshot of CPX token balances will take place at 20:00 (GMT +8) on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. Voternodes in Genesis Tier, Tier One, and Tier Two will qualify for the following rewards:
- Genesis: 8,000 CPX
- Tier One: 3,000 CPX
- Tier Two: 700 CPX
A week after the snapshot has taken place, APEX will release a form that must be completed in order to claim the reward. This confirmation form will require the participant’s proof of balance and tiering status the day of its submission.
Those who are in the Tier Two category will be required to provide additional Know Your Customer (KYC) information to ensure reward qualification.
KRATOS One – Wave 1 rewards will be distributed within 5 business days.
For more information about APEX visit the following links.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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