Effect.AI has announced a new ambassador program, which is claimed to be motivated by the many community-driven initiatives started by its members since the conclusion of its token sale in March this year.
The team gave a description of the initiative as well as a scope for its goals and objectives, stating: “the program is to support and incentivize the ideas, creativity and participation of our amazing community and to give them all access pass to join us on the ride of a decentralized AI for all.”
The new initiative will have a primary focus of promoting Effect Force, which is the platform’s first and core product offering. In the announcement, Effect.AI described the offering with the following: “our first product is Effect Force and it offers a unique solution, using its Human Workforce, to help companies sort, structure & enrich vast quantities of data, preparing them for use in their own Machine Learning Solutions, enabling the use of Artificial Intelligence for all types of data analytics.”
A description of the Effect Ambassador role was also provided, which in practice encompasses numerous responsibilities that range from writing to business development. Some examples include speaking at local events, organizing in-person meet-ups, or even creating a product that works within the Global Effect Force ecosystem.
The primary goal of an Effect Ambassador is to introduce the ecosystem as widely as possible to people who need it the most. Thus, the target market could include data scientists, government companies, AI startups or researchers. Ambassadors are therefore responsible for connecting the ecosystem to these demographics, as well as referring others to join as Effect Ambassadors.
Registration for becoming an Effect Ambassador is presently open to anyone, but priority will be given to those members who have worked with the team in the past. Also, a detailed understanding of the platform and Effect Force is a requirement, along with a passion to help others.
An Effect Ambassador is a paid role with remittance in the form of tokens and referral bonuses. Others incentives include being the first to learn about new product updates and opportunities, as well as the on-going collaboration with the core Effect.AI team and others.
Invitations for the program will remain open until December 15th with applications being reviewed and accepted in the first week of January. Applications can be submitted at the following link:
About The Author: Matthew North
Matthew North is a freelance writer and journalist who resides in East Asia. He spends his time writing and learning about financial technologies like the Blockchain and digital currencies. You can follow him on twitter @fintech_matthew.
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