Elements is making blockchain functionality more accessible through its server engine infrastructure. In episode 62 of the Neo News Today podcast, Elemental Computing, Inc. CTO, Keith Hudnall, talks about how Neo opens new possibilities to utilize assets and tokens for traditional developers. According to Hudnall:
Neo’s almost like a super-structure to the cloud computing structure. Like, it allows you to move things from one application to another outside of that. You know, users can monetize that; they can do whatever they want.
Elements is a server backend engine for games and applications. The infrastructure service provider offers a one-stop solution for users to develop, prototype, and deploy features found in other applications, such as user profiles, single-sign-on built in databases, inventories, leaderboards, matchmaking, quest systems, and more. The Elements team recently partnered with Neo Global Development, its first such collaboration with a blockchain entity.
In the podcast, Hudnall indicates that Elements was built to offer a one-click service allowing developers to hit the ground running.
One unique way the team intends to embrace blockchain and tokenization is by creating an admin tool that allows developers to deploy and manage NFTs. Hudnall uses the example of in-game assets that allow participants into a gaming tournament. Once the player is finished playing in the tournament, they can go to a secondary market and trade or sell the NFT.
Ultimately, Hudnall hopes that Elements can bridge the traditional development space to incorporate blockchain-based solutions. He notes that the team is eager to work with Neo to help both parties establish new relationships in their respective business landscapes.
The full podcast episode can be found below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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