In the time since previous NNT coverage, three new proposals have been submitted to the GrantShares DAO, each with a development focus. Discussions continued on the two-token economy research proposal, while other existing proposals were closed or expired.
New Proposals
The three new proposals in GrantShares this month are Citizen Assemblies for DAOs, Renewed iOS SDK, and DAO as a Service.
Citizen Assemblies for DAOs
Citizen Assemblies for DAOs is a proposal by Voxiberate, a platform designed to build trust, transparency, and collaboration through citizen assemblies. These are ephemeral organizations which are formed from a pool of randomly selected participants who will discuss a given issue, with input from subject matter experts, with the goal to determine the most appropriate path of resolution for the issue at hand.
Voxiberate seeks to use blockchain to implement citizens assemblies and record the outcomes of votes in a decentralized manner. A native utility token is proposed to incentivize ideal behavior, and a range of services and governance frameworks are supported so that other applications on the network, such as DAOs, can benefit from its tools in an appropriate way for each use case.
The team has built an MVP without blockchain functionality and is seeking approximately US $20,000 in NEO to fund its next steps. In its first month, Voxiberate seeks to review the available tooling in the Neo ecosystem and identify which aspects of its blockchain-based features can be implemented. The following month will be spent on implementation.
Initial feedback from DAO members showed interest in the application, but hesitance towards the initial research and scoping milestones, and how much of the implementation would be completed as a result of the funding. Community members offered to work with the project to aid in the research stage, helping the team locate and assess the available developer tools in order to better estimate the final deliverables.
Renewed iOS SDK
The second proposal was from an independent developer seeking funds to create an updated iOS SDK for Neo N3 using Swift. 3,000 NEO was requested to fund approximately 360 hours of development time. Proposed deliverables include overall project design, key generation, network functions, transaction signing, contract interfacing, as well as test coverage and documentation.
Two main camps formed in the discussion, one advocating for independent implementations such as the Swift SDK as proposer. The other identified the need for greater consistency and maintainability in N3 SDKs, which would be achieved with a single core implementation then interfaced with through wrappers for different languages, frameworks, or platforms as required.
The trade-offs of each approach could have various repercussions, affecting the potential user base and maintainability of Neo tooling, so consensus on an ideal approach forward did not emerge. The proposal author was requested to reach out for further discussion off-site, with the hope that a balanced solution could be found, potentially involving a replacement proposal.
DAO as a Service
Last of the new proposals was a funding request for 5,000 NEO to pay for development of a DAO-based escrow project. MilestoneBased touts itself as a solution to the typical crypto investing model, which uses DAO elements, voting, and milestone-based payments for a slower and more trustworthy release of tokens to funded projects.
The project attracted interest from DAO members, however the proposal also noted the desire to deliver an “EVM-compatible project.” When asked to clarify whether the project would be developed for Neo, the submitter offered no response. The proposal was never pushed on-chain, so can not expire, but is considered abandoned at this time.
Discussion phase
The only proposal to remain in the discussion phase from the last batch of applications was the submission requesting funds for research into Neo’s dual-token economic model. Submitted by Professor Nicola Dimitri, the proposal attracted discussion from COZ, AxLabs, and senior researchers from NeoResearch and NGD Shanghai.
Initial feedback to the proposal requested comments from Professor Dimitri on where the work could be published and how any insights could be used to benefit the Neo ecosystem. DAO members also questioned the practical value of theoretical research, with all its assumptions and constraints, when applying the results to a real, dynamic blockchain environment.
Professor Dimitri highlighted the importance of theoretical models for their testability and as a benchmark for practical use. Further, he pointed out the lack of study into two-token economic models in existing academic literature, and noted the ability for the results to help inform Neo Council member decisions and lend credibility to Neo’s dual-token model.
Due to the inability for GrantShares to distribute payments in installments at this time, the original proposal has been closed and divided into two. Half of the requested 3,750 NEO will be released on acceptance of the first proposal, funding delivery of the first draft. The second half will be distributed on acceptance to fund follow-up work and production of the paper’s final version.
Expired and Closed
Of the four existing proposals from previous months, three have been closed by the submitter or expired from lack of endorsement.
The Neo Spanish Course proposal involved creation of Neo developer courses with .NET, supplemented with meetups and other community building efforts. DAO members showed interest in new course material for developers, but expressed skepticism regarding the size of the existing Spanish speaking Neo community and limited approach to engaging developers.
The proposal was closed by its owner, however resubmission was encouraged, pending some strategy enhancements.
Battle Hardened is a funding request for an NFT fusion system that would allow arbitrary NFT contracts to be fused into new NFT forms, featuring Pokemon-style attributes and natures. These traits would be used for combat and breeding systems, the former part being outlined in a whitepaper.
The project is intended to promote cross-project participation and provide a combat system template that could be used in different ways by different applications. Questions centered on the project’s scope and mechanics, the budget feasibility, and demand for the project from the ecosystem. The proposal was pushed on-chain early in the discussion, however it failed to attract endorsement. At this time, the proposal has not been resubmitted for consideration.
The proposal from the UsePAY team requested funding to build a social commerce platform that connects businesses with Web3 via on-chain tickets, subscriptions, and coupons. A representative from AxLabs requested a more detailed description of the UsePAY platform, including a roadmap and budgeted task list. The team responded by withdrawing its proposal.
Community members may also submit their own proposals to GrantShares or view existing submissions via the link below:
About The Author: Brett Rhodes
Brett is a blockchain enthusiast and freelance writer who originally began producing content for the gaming & eSports industries. Now he spends most of his time contributing in the Neo ecosystem.
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