The new Narrative team has distributed its first official newsletter, highlighting an upcoming name change, the need for membership fees, and planned changes to the NRVE rewards distribution process. Additionally, the new owners have also launched a Discord channel for community members to discuss the direction of the revamped platform.
A high priority for the new owners is to select a new name for the project. Within the next week, those subscribed to the company’s e-mail list can expect a survey with ideas for new names and an opportunity to submit recommendations.
The new Narrative platform intends to incorporate a membership fee to fund development and operating costs. While the expected rate is unknown, the new owners state the collective membership fees must cover all the platform’s third party costs. At some point in the coming months, an anonymous community survey will help determine a price users are willing to pay.
Lastly, the new owners outlined changes to the NRVE rewards distribution system. The team states, “the relaunched platform will continue to have member rewards, however, members will not be able to withdraw them at the same rate they were able to in the past.” As new features and incentives are deployed, the company anticipates a gradual increase in the percentage of member rewards that can be withdrawn each month.
At the time of press, there is no established relaunch date for the new Narrative platform. In the inaugural newsletter the new owners state:
There is a lot of work ahead and we’ll need a significant stretch of time before we can relaunch the platform. This can only happen once we have funding to cover operating costs, and have implemented the changes required for the new platform to host a viable economy.
The new Narrative team intends to distribute a weekly newsletter to keep community members abreast of developments.
About the new Narrative owners
Narrative’s assets were purchased by Narrative community members Zach (aka Banter), Natalia (aka Serroc), and Malcolm (aka Malkazoid) who incorporated to structure the transition.
Malcolm and Zach were very active in shaping the Narrative platform from its beginning, participating in the 20-month alpha and beta development of the content sharing platform.
Additionally, Zach contributed to the Narrative platform’s development team.
Natalia owned a Narrative niche, was an active contributor to various niches, and served as one of the two elected community tribunal volunteers.
The tribunal system is a community-based governance model that places moderation responsibilities into the hands of Narrative users. To be considered for community tribunal nomination, individuals were required to have reputation scores of 85 or higher, and preferential status was given to niche owners with Founder status.
The new Narrative Discord channel can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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