NewEconoLabs (NEL) has released its bi-weekly report for September. The report includes information about the developer incentive program, technology open classes, and NEL game updates.

Developer Incentive Program

NEL reported that three users were rewarded with NNC tokens for submitting issues found in the NEL GitHub repositories. User “treasureDouDou” submitted small-scale improvements to the “O3_API_test” repository and was rewarded with 200 NNC. User “treasureDouDou” also found and submitted a small problem in the “” repository and was rewarded with 50 NNC. Lastly, user “BlackTrace” submitted a small problem to the “neo-ns” repository and was rewarded with 50 NNC.

Technology and Community Development

NEL has also been focussing on technology and community development. On September 22nd, NEL held a NEO Smart Contract Development and Debugging live course. The live course was held both in-person in Yangpu, China, and streamed online. Topics of focus included NEO smart contracts, publishing and debugging a contract, and contract verification and applications, among others.

The next class will be focused on NNS System Design and Implementation and is scheduled to be held on October 20th.

NEL has established its “BBS” website, which is an open source forum with technical learning materials for developers. Registration for the forum is free, and the platform will soon support WeChat login. Since its inception on Friday, September 14th, the forum has witnessed user-oriented activities and participants rewarded with NNC tokens.

Progress on the “NEL-CLI Transformation Plan – Phase 1” is about 80% complete, with the NEO-CLI is nearly ready to import CLI raw data into mongodb, which will provide more efficient privatized storage query and data analysis. 

NEL’s NEO Test Tool Set has been designed to test the “marginal UTXO numbers that leads to CGAS conversion failure and more useful tools will be added to the toolset in the future.” For users and developers interested in learning more about the NEO Test Tool Set visit the following link:

NEL Games and Game Development Platform

BlaCat witnessed a variety of improvements in the second half of September, which include background English version support, currency to currency transaction on wallet monitoring function, CGAS coordinated refunds, and exchange user interface (UI) design improvements, among others.

CryptoGladiator is currently undergoing a new structural redesign to solve the following problems:

  • A high threshold that doesn’t allow users to play without spending money,
  • Low performance of public chain to support the communication needs of the game,
  • Higher requirements of cryptocurrency users to earn money in the game, and
  • Complex logic support to increase user interaction, and increase retention.

For more information about NEL visit one of the links below.