Neo and KardiaChain have announced an eco-partnership as part of the EcoBoost program. The partnership will entail the Neo and KardiaChain teams “closely communicating and collaborating to optimize technology to facilitate easier integration for any Neo-like blockchain to join KardiaChain’s interoperable network.”
KardiaChain is an interoperability-focused public blockchain platform, introduced as a hybrid blockchain infrastructure for enterprise and government entities. KardiaChain aims to link other blockchains together in a non-invasive manner through a dual node solution.
In a conversation with Neo News Today (NNT), the Neo Global Development (NGD) Eco Growth team expressed enthusiasm for being able to introduce the KardiaChain solution to developers, particularly in Vietnamese markets. It also hopes that Neo may be seen as a potential solution for government projects being worked on by KardiaChain now, or in the future.
EcoBoost program support for KardiaChain will focus primarily on business development, developer exposure, and marketing opportunities.
KardiaChain’s cross-chain capabilities currently supports Neo, Ethereum, and Tron, opening the doors for developers to interconnect with various chains. It also offers KSML, or the Kardia Unified Smart Contract Language, which allows the development of master contracts that can act as the glue between contracts hosted on other blockchains, such as Neo and Ethereum. For example, a developer could write a Neo contract in Python, an Ethereum contract in Solidity, then use its KSML master contract to translate and act on operations triggered on one of the other platforms.
More information on KardiaChain’s technology can be found in previous Neo News Today coverage.
Before establishing the partnership with Neo, the KardiaChain team had already attained a deep understanding of the Neo blockchain during the development of its KAI-NEO dual node. NGD Eco Growth director, John Wang, said:
We met the KardiaChain team at a blockchain event back in 2019. We only found out then that there has been a project out there that has achieved cross-chain communication with Neo. I was thoroughly impressed by the team as well as tech. The partnership with KardiaChain will enable interoperability for all Neo-based blockchains.
KardiaChain primarily targets entities in South & East Asia, and currently maintains strong relationships within Vietnam and its government. The team claims that current projects with the Vietnamese government range from experimental to production level.
The full announcement can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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