On Wednesday, February 12th, Neo Colorado hosted its first event of 2020, which took place during BUIDL Week in the lead up to ETH Denver, the “world’s largest web3 hackathon.” Other event hosts at the venue included representatives from Tezos, Radar Relay, Cosmos, and projects within the Ethereum ecosystem. At the end of the event, NEO was distributed to event attendees, 80% of whom had never used the Neo blockchain or Neon Wallet before.

The BUIDL Week presentation sought to highlight why users should explore the Neo ecosystem. The message was catered to three separate users: the investor, the blockchain-based business, and the developer.

The first portion of the presentation offered an overview of the current blockchain ecosystem and examined network use statistics from a Dapp.com 2019 market report. Highlighting decentralization as a premise of blockchain networks, the presentation broke down active users on blockchain networks and categorized their use. As each blockchain exhibits particular use cases over time, interoperability will be an important factor in each of these ecosystems.

Why Neo?

The next portion of the Neo Colorado presentation sought to offer relatable use cases from each of the three types of previously identified users in the Neo ecosystem.

Attributes the presentation gave for the investor/general enthusiast included the passive distribution of GAS to NEO coin holders that use private wallets. Another point included the liquidity of NEO, which has a consistent presence in the top 20 of 24-hour trading volume and is listed on more than 60 exchanges. This portion concluded with an overview of Neo’s roadmap and current network use statistics.

The next segment was oriented toward business use cases, and offered highlights of reasons projects opted to use the Neo blockchain. Use cases included Novem Gold AG, Moonlight, Neo Economy Store, TranslateMe, and Guardian Circle. The presentation also included a slide that offered an overview of decentralized finance (DeFi) in the ecosystem, which included wallets, non-custodial exchanges, identity solutions, the decentralized autonomous initial coin offering (DAICO), stablecoins, and escrow contract providers, among others.

The third portion targeted developers, which comprised the majority of the individuals in the audience. First, developers can choose to code in their language of choice and aren’t required to learn a new language (i.e., Solidity for Ethereum). Second, the size of the blockchain is fractions of Ethereum and Bitcoin, which simplifies developing in local environments. Third, the smaller, but highly communicative developer network can point new developers towards documentation or subject matter experts.

Finally, the presentation introduced a NEO-ONE video on building smart contracts, which was specifically created for the BUIDL Week event by NEO-ONE developer, Alex Fragapane.

The event concluded with distributing NEO to those who attended the event. The distributed NEO came from a COZ grant awarded to Neo Colorado in Q4 2019 to begin working on neo-burner, which was used to generate the paper wallets. The attendees then generated their own wallets on COZ’s Neon Wallet, and sent the NEO from the distributed paper wallets to the address they’d just created.

The full presentation can be found at the link below: