Neo was examined in an analysis report conducted by blockchain researcher and analyst, Christian Ott. In the report, Ott compiled and analyzed transaction growth, wallet growth, and asset holding data from within the Neo ecosystem. Data and metrics were collected via NewEconoLabs (NEL) blockchain explorer, Neodepot, and Neo Economy. Ott used data points at six-month intervals for the transaction and address analysis, and NEP-5 addresses with a minimum balance of over US $100 per asset.
Developer Groups
COZ released the latest version of Neon wallet, bringing with it support for “split key” wallet imports, bug fixes, and other improvements. The split key wallet import option, developed by Hal0x2328, allows a user to combine the private key from a saved wallet with a secondary private key to generate a new one. This function can also be used to allow third parties to compute vanity public addresses for users without the third party knowing the final private key.
NeoResearch had an article published in an MDPI publication, which is a compilation of peer-reviewed, open access journals. A portion of the article describes the Neo blockchain and NeoCompiler in a drafted smart contract for mobility on smart cities.
January 28th, TranslateMe launched a Telegram group for its Indonesian users to assist in enhancing its machine translation services by correcting language and grammatical errors, while earning TMN.
January 29th, the new Narrative team distributed its first official newsletter, highlighting an upcoming name change, the need for membership fees, and planned changes to the NRVE rewards distribution process.
January 29th, Novem minted an additional 352,250 NNN gold-backed tokens, increasing the total stock of gold under Novem management to 34,680.93 grams.
January 29th, Nash announced its next live Quarterly Report event will take place via live stream, beginning at 6:00 pm (UTC +0) on Friday, February 7th, 2020. The theme of the Quarterly Report event will be Building and Iterating. Additionally, Nash announced an impending delisting of the Travala (AVA) token.
January 29th, Novem announced it is conducting a conference call at 6:00 pm (UTC +1) on Wednesday, February 5th, with community members to inform them about development status and plans, via Zoom call.
January 30th, Guardian Circle launched v3.0.4 of its Android application. Updates to the app included performance improvements, backward compatibility with older Android devices, bug fixes for invitations, plus more.
January 30th, TranslateMe announced its artificial intelligence (AI) model that instantly translates French to English is ready for public testing. TranslateMe states its model is now “an acceptable level to be applied to general conversation.”
January 30th, Moonlight participated in the CLab kickoff workshop, which was a gathering of education stakeholders from across Colorado to discuss the future of Colorado’s education & work infrastructure.
January 31st, QLC Chain chief architect, Allen Lee, participated an ask me anything (AMA) via the QLC Chain Reddit page. In the AMA, Lee offered feedback on QLC Chain network usage, the need for oracle nodes in the network, the Confidant peer-to-peer encrypted messaging and storage hardware, NEP-5 QLC token use cases, plus more.
February 1st, the new Narrative team distributed an e-mail survey to query community members on a new name for the project and platform. Users were able to choose from a list of pre-selected names or offer their suggestions.
Token Listings
AVA delisted from Nash Exchange.
February 7th: Nash Q4 2019 Quarterly Report – Live Stream.
February 12th: Neo Colorado meetup – Denver, US.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski