Neo Global Development hosted an Ask Me Anything with Neo St. Petersburg Competence Center who offered an in-depth overview of the NeoFS decentralized cloud platform and how it differs from competitors. The Neo SPCC participants included CTO, Anatoly Bogatyrev, CIO, Stanislav Bogatyrev, and software engineer, Alexey Vanin. In the AMA, the trio talked about NeoFS’s architecture and functionality, and answered questions from the community.
Neo co-founder, Da Hongfei, participated in an interview with Blockchain.News’ Sarah Tran to discuss the future of blockchain and the digital economy. Da addressed the development of blockchain in China and Neo’s partnership with the Blockchain-based Service Network.
NNT Catch Up
Neo News Today hosted NeoResearch co-founder, Vitor Coelho, on the NNT podcast to discuss the NeoResearch team and its founding, its recently published MILP model for testing PBFT-inspired consensus mechanisms, upcoming Neo3 changes, and much more.
Coelho discussed his belief that Neo’s new governance mechanism can spur altruistic investment within the ecosystem. Neo’s model would enable NEO holders to vote for a committee of 21 governing members responsible for representing the community. The elected members will receive GAS rewards, which Coelho believes can be redistributed to fund smart contract deployment, development meetups, hackathons, or other incentives to use the Neo blockchain.
Developer Groups
O3 Labs announced beta integration of Bitcoin support in the O3 Wallet and invited iOS mobile users to test the functionality.
November 16th, DeepBrain Chain released its fortnightly progress report, which noted development efforts of the DBC mining smart contract, the addition of 300 GPUs to the network, the registration of nearly 15,800 users, plus more.
November 16th, Switcheo ranked as the ninth most secure non-custodial exchange in a report released by CER.live. The study compared Switcheo’s SSL/TLS cryptographic protocols and trading security features to other exchanges.
November 16th, QLC Chain released an overview of the CBAN Showcase that highlighted team participation through a presentation and panel. At the event, QLC Chain sought to display its billing mistake and fraud solutions for the telecom industry.
November 16th, Nash announced the opening of its merchandise store, allowing users to purchase Nash swag while demonstrating the new Nash Link service for crypto payments. The store features mugs, shirts, hoodies, and other assorted items, including items designed by community members in the design contest. Currently, Nash Link accepts payments via BTC.
November 17th, Onramper was nominated for the Best Public Solution by the Dutch Blockchain Awards as part of the first Dutch Blockchain Week. Winner announcements will be made Friday, December 4th, 2020.
November 18th, Nash launched its Presta Shop plugin, allowing merchants to integrate within minutes and start accepting payments in cryptocurrency. Presta Shop claims to power over 300,000 online stores.
November 19th, Switcheo announced its Switcheo Development Fund to incentivize community-driven development and various facets of decentralization. Switcheo will bootstrap the fund with three million SWTH tokens and appropriate a portion of trading, inflation, and other protocol fees for ongoing support.
November 19th, Nash rolled out an update to its wallet system, allowing signatures to be generated using the same secure multi-party computation tools that power its decentralized API keys. The solution serves the same role as a hardware wallet, providing a method for approving transactions without using a private key directly.
November 20th, Nash head of business development, Kellogg Fairbank, participated in an interview with Mobile Payments Today to discuss the current state of cross-border payments and the role cryptocurrencies and digital currencies might have in the future.
December 9th – 12th: Neo SPCC to speak at SmartData data engineering conference.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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