Neo co-founder, Da Hongfei, spoke with CoinDesk about the Flamingo Finance protocol, stating that Flamingo is not a “copy and paste,” of Ethereum products, but is “like rebuilding a parallel universe.”
NGD Seattle lead, John deVadoss, contributed to an InterWork Alliance article discussing how industry standards can make tokenized services as mainstream as WiFi or broadband. To do so, the IWA has identified a set of industry concepts and built protocol agnostic templates for developers to use.
The Flamingo Finance team released a guide for working with various types of assets on its platform. The guide outlines assets such as nNEO, pONT, in addition to Flamincome n, p, and pn assets. It includes details on how to wrap base assets and the functions of each within Flamingo.
Some NEO and other NEP-5 assets token holders received an airdrop of nNEO and were advised not to interact with it under any circumstances. Reports were made regarding suspicious activity linked to the token.
Road to Neo3
Neo News Today hosted Guardian Circle CEO and founder, Mark Jeffrey, on Byzant to talk about what it takes to succeed when running a blockchain startup and how it differs from a traditional startup environment. Among the many factors, Jeffrey noted success is often found focusing on “one thing and one thing only,” and timing.
Developer Groups
AxLabs released neow3j v3.3.0, which includes a range of new features and improvements for the Java SDK, and a Java smart contract compiler and devpack, providing full compatibility with Neo3 Preview3. This milestone enables developers to write a Java-based smart contract, test it in the same IDE, and deploy the compiled contract via a Neo3 node.
NEXT released its monthly report for September 2020, including updates on support for Flamingo Finance and Neo3 in the NeoLine Chrome extension.
COZ updated the Dora blockchain explorer to include contract invocation plotting and revised its API documentation.
October 5th, NeoLine distributed 100,000 FLM to users who had staked tokens to Flamingo’s Vault V1 during its Mint Rush on September 25th.
October 5th, Switcheo upgraded TradeHub to v1.8.0, which allows for the phase 1 withdrawal of staked SWTH, a new governance module, and architectural updates.
October 6th, TranslateMe started live beta-testing its Market, a web-based portal that allows users to contribute translation suggestions and receive TMN rewards. Upon the launch, TranslateMe integrated support for its German and French language models.
October 6th, Novem Gold released a Q3 2020 audit reporting approximately 40.27 kg of gold under management with an equivalent supply of 4,026,966 NNN tokens.
October 6th, Nash announced that Gunbot users would soon be eligible to receive additional rewards in the ongoing beta liquidity mining program. Beginning October 8th, a pool of 100,000 GUNTHY tokens went on offer to those who use the Gunbot application to trade on Nash.
October 8th, Nash released a mono repo for open-source Nash Link plugins and SDKs.
October 8th, Switcheo launched an official Discord channel.
October 8th, Poly Network surpassed US $2 billion in cross-chain trading volume.
October 10th, Nash held its H1 online report event. Founders Fabio Canesin, Tom Saunders, Ethan Fast, Luciano Engel, and Fabian Wahle participated in a video presentation to discuss progress made throughout the first half of 2020, and answer community questions.
October 11th, Guardian Circle launched the Android version of its hotel housekeeper panic button service, Saepio, on the Google Play store.
October 11th, Alchemint released its monthly report for August and September 2020, which noted a decrease in collateralized SNEO, plans to migrate a portion of the SDS token supply to Ethereum, and plans to airdrop the FLM token to SDUSD token holders.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski