NeoFish, a blockchain-based game on the Neo and Ethereum blockchains, has announced premium gift packages that offer unique Neo-based fishbowls and fish with Neo genes for breeding. Players can also earn rewards from the SuperNEO gift packages via three gameplay events: the FOMO mode, lottery mode, and invitation mode. Additionally, users can receive rewards via staking Neo.
As part of the SuperNEO giveaway, participants will receive unique Neo-based fish genes in the form of fins and finlets. In the NeoFish game, the fishbowls are required to mine NFISH tokens and may be filled with fish that are owned by the player. Different traits give fish different computing powers, with higher computing powers translating to greater mining returns when placed in a fishbowl.
The first style of gameplay event, FOMO mode, gives users a chance to win a pool of NEO funded by 5% of each SuperNEO gift package purchase. FOMO mode operates on an eight-hour countdown and resets with each purchase of a SuperNEO gift package. The last user to purchase a package before the countdown expires wins the entire reward pool.
The second style of gameplay event, lottery mode, distributes a raffle ticket to users for every 10 NEO they spend on the platform. An undetermined amount will be rewarded to the winner, which will be distributed from the FOMO mode bonus pool.
The final style of gameplay event, invitation mode, requires users to share a referral code. Participants will receive a percentage of SuperNEO gift packages sold depending on their status. Community partners receive 10% of all SuperNEO gift package purchases, whereas non-community members will receive 2% of each sale. To become a community partner, players must either lock up one gold fishbowl or at least two black fishbowls for a minimum of one year.
Further, if users do not wish to purchase SuperNEO gift packages, there is an option to stake “the corresponding NEO to get the corresponding gift package for free.” Users who stake their NEO will receive the same content as those who purchased the SuperNEO gift packages.
Airdrop campaign conclusion
In addition to the gift packages, NeoFish concluded its airdrop campaign on March 3rd, 2020. As part of the campaign, participants can tentatively expect to receive 20 NEP-5 NFISH tokens for each NEO held in the NeoFish in-game wallet.
NeoFish intends to issue the NFISH tokens one week following the conclusion of the campaign.
The full SuperNEO gift package announcement can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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