The second round of Neospective is live with over US $2,000 worth of prizes up for grabs. Neospective is an ongoing creative competition sponsored by Neo Global Development. In round two, the Neo community’s task is to create a mascot for the Launchpad series of hackathons. Interested contributors have until June 5, 2022, to enter their submissions.
The winning mascot has the opportunity to serve as an ambassador of the Launchpad events moving forward. If popular, it could even be made into an NFT and physical doll series. The character can be a human, an animal, or an object but must have traits that establish an identity of its own. While there are no design limitations, NGD does note that the mascot should feel development-oriented, novel, and futuristic. The Neospective submission will also require a brief description of the character’s personality.
Mascot designs can be submitted by uploading a final image to Twitter and tagging the official Neo blockchain handle with the following hashtags: #Neospective and #NeoHackathonMascot. Afterward, participants must fill out a contest entry form with the Tweet link, the design file, and more information.
NGD will reward first place with US $1,000 equivalent in NEO, second place with $500, and third place with $300. Additionally, 20 submissions are eligible for honorable mention awards, with a $25 equivalent GAS prize each. Each of the top three winners and 20 honorable mentions will also receive a Neoverse blindbox NFT.
The first round of community voting begins June 5, 2022, where voters will select the top three mascots. The second round of voting runs June 13 through June 15 and will rank the top three designs against each other. Community members that participate in the voting round automatically enter into a random drawing to receive one of 20 Neoverse blindbox NFTs.
About Neospective
The content creation contest was designed to drive the adoption and growth of Neo by leveraging the wide range of skills and unique perspectives that Neo community members have to offer. It is described as a long-term content collaboration program aimed at enabling another way for community members to engage with Neo and make meaningful contributions. NGD puts the submissions to a community vote at the end of each round to decide the final winners.
The first round of Neospective ran from Dec. 2021 through Jan. 2022 and asked participants to focus on creative diagram designs and infographic-style illustrations. There were a total of 3,625 votes cast for the finalists. The first-place winner was awarded $600 in NEO, and 24 other submissions also received rewards.
Full contest details are available at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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