Following the recent announcement of EcoBoost phase one, NEO Global Development (NGD) has revealed additional details about the EcoBoost initiative. In an article posted on the blog, NGD outlines the three phases of EcoBoost, introducing how the program plans to support and develop the NEO ecosystem.

The EcoBoost program aims to provide NEO-based projects with financial assistance alongside a support network to encourage growth. All types of projects within the NEO ecosystem are encouraged to apply, whether the teams are building dApps, developer tools, or contributing to NEO’s public infrastructure.

Phase One – Partner Recruitment

The first phase of the EcoBoost program involves recruiting long-term partnerships with various entities in the blockchain industry, such as media outlets, wallet providers, dApp discovery platforms, and larger-scale organizations such as universities or exchanges.

These partners will receive support from NGD and will be leveraged to help provide resources to NEO projects. For example, media partners will assist in the outreach and publicity of NEO projects, exchange partners will help list tokens and stimulate liquidity, and institutional partners will provide industry resources.

NGD reports that it has already received numerous applications from “leading institutions and projects in the industry.” Interested entities can apply to become an EcoBoost partner by contacting

Phase Two – NEO Project Recruitment

After an appropriate support network has been established in phase one, NGD will launch the second phase of the EcoBoost program. This phase is concerned with the recruitment of teams that are building projects within the NEO ecosystem. NGD has noted that all projects building on NEO are welcome to apply, regardless of which stage of the project life cycle they are currently in.

NGD noted that this EcoBoost phase will build on the existing community structure, and aims to “further enrich the community, incentivize developers with existing products, and encourage projects to seed even better projects.”

The financial support allocated to each project will be determined based on the needs of each project at any given point. Recruitment will end after the budget has been fully allocated.

Phase Three – Acceleration

Following the financial assistance provided in phase two, phase three of the program will launch. In this stage, NGD will match the needs of ecosystem projects with the resources made available by the EcoBoost partners recruited in phase one.

For example, new dApp projects may be put in contact with exchanges to aid with the listing process, or R&D teams that aim to develop new tools or infrastructure may be offered the opportunity to leverage the resources offered by partnered universities.

NGD has also confirmed that NEO will directly assist high-quality projects with free promotion when appropriate.

In closing, NGD stated:

“With the EcoBoost program as the cornerstone of our efforts, NEO will continue to invest in the ecosystem with full determination and confidence.”

The original announcement may be read at the link below: