pubNooks, a content sharing platform on the Neo blockchain, has provided its first update for Q3 2020. A newsletter was distributed to community members announcing a new team member, platform updates, and rebrand process.
Christina Gleason, an early contributor to the former Narrative project, has been hired by pubNooks to focus on copywriting and quality control. The initial focus of Gleason’s work is to review existing active “Nooks” names and descriptions. Nooks, renamed from Niches, are categories in which users publish their content.
According to the newsletter, the revisions are aiming at improving the overall browsing and content discovery experience:
The aim of these revisions is to keep the spirit and wording of the Nook names and descriptions intact wherever possible, but to make modifications where needed in order to enhance the end-user experience of the Nook system in its role of organizing content in an intuitive and useful way. Users of the old platform will recall that there were quality and coherence issues with many Nooks: expect to find this considerably improved when pubNooks relaunches.
pubNooks is also working on replacing its previous content drafting tool with a new solution that is anticipated to have fewer bugs. The change will render previous content from the old platform uneditable, although it will remain intact when pubNooks is re-launched. Users will have the option to delete old content if desired and all new content to pubNooks will be entered using the new drafting tool.
Lastly, pubNooks leadership noted its logo submission contest is currently on hold and will be revisited closer to re-launch. At the time of press, there is no tentative re-launch date for the pubNooks platform.
pubNooks acquired its assets from the Narrative platform in January 2020, which had closed its doors citing market events, regulatory uncertainty, and limited resources as the leading factors in the project shutdown.
Registration for the pubNooks newsletter can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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