Red Pulse, a market intelligence platform has posted its bi-weekly report for the first half of July. This particular issue focuses on the numerous events Red Pulse plans to attend throughout East Asia to spread awareness of its platform, with the most notable being the PHOENIX reveal to be held in Seoul, South Korea on July 21st. PHOENIX is claimed to be the “next evolution” of the Red Pulse platform.
The event will also feature talks from industry leaders about the future of Red Pulse and the blockchain for media and market intelligence. Speakers include: Dingan Fei, managing partner of Ledger Capital; KillaWhale, Korea’s top YouTube influencer; Jimmy Hu, founder & CEO of Apex, and; Ran Neuner, CNBC’s Cryptotrader host. There will also be a lottery draw: USD $6,000 in RPX tokens will be paid out to a lucky winner.
You can register for the event here (for free) on Eventbrite.
Furthermore, PHOENIX coincides with South Korea’s national Blockchain Week that will run from the 16th to 20th of July, as well as Red Pulse’s sponsorship of the Beyond Blocks Summit Seoul, which is the largest summit in Asia. Senior members of the Red Pulse team will attend the event, including CEO Jonathan Ha and co-founder Stanley Chao.
Red Pulse also mentioned its partnership with the online course provider Udacity. Specifically, Red Pulse will help Udacity with its Blockchain Engineering Nanodegree program by sponsoring scholarships and becoming a hiring partner.
To christen the relationship between the two platforms, Ha spoke in the hour-long Udacity Blockchain Live Series; he discussed “will blockchain technology revolutionize the future of financial investment?” You can watch the video here on YouTube.
A separate collaboration is also planned with one of South Korea’s most popular cryptocurrency YouTube channels, KillaWhale. Ha will be featured on the channel and speak about PHOENIX and where Red Pulse is headed in future. Jaeyoon Ahn – the channel’s founder – will also be in attendance at PHOENIX.
Finally, Red Pulse attended the Asia Blockchain Summit 2018 in Taiwan and Ha was a panelist on a number of topics.
More information on Red Pulse can be found at the links below.
About The Author: Matthew North
Matthew North is a freelance writer and journalist who resides in East Asia. He spends his time writing and learning about financial technologies like the Blockchain and digital currencies. You can follow him on twitter @fintech_matthew.
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