Battle Hard has launched a meme campaign to distribute B tokens that will power its NFT fusion and gaming platform. Until Dec. 25, users can submit up to one meme daily to qualify for the B token airdrop planned for Christmas Day. Each unique meme submission will entitle the participant to one B token.
Battle Hard founder DIGI Byte is seeking to fairly distribute the B token to the project’s early users. In the official Discord server, he said, “The goal is to give power to the user. For this, B token will be the way the project will sustain itself, but I need to kick start the project, so airdropping B before launch for free is important.”
To participate, users must upload their Battle Hard-related memes in the #meme2meme channel of the project’s official Discord server. Submissions will be accounted for when the Discord server’s bot, Skynet, acknowledges the post with a “B” emoji.
To receive the airdrop, the user must link their Neo N3 wallet address to the Battle Hard Discord server’s bot before Dec. 25. The user can access this feature in any channel on the server by typing the “/wallet” command. The bot will bind the public key to the user’s Discord handle, but won’t share the wallet address with the rest of the server.
About Battle Hard
Battle Hard is a cross-chain NFT project designed to inject new utility into NFTs, reactivating wallets to give new life to abandoned projects. With Battle Hard, the user can fuse NFTs from multiple projects and compete in battles on the platform. The Battle Hard concept incorporates an arena inspired by Pokemon stats and battle systems, and will iterate upon the logic of TOTHEMOON Fusion Battle Arenas that launched in 2022.
Following the launch of the Battle Hard platform on Neo N3, the team intends to utilize its B token, which will be used for all activity within the ecosystem. Ultimately, 1 million B tokens will be minted on each chain Battle Hard supports. The utility of the B token will include minting, voting, in-game purchases, and more.
Alongside the current meme campaign, Battle Hard plans to deploy the Vendor to further distribute the forthcoming B tokens. Vendor is a token distribution tool for fledgling projects that don’t have the means to establish liquidity pools on a non-custodial exchange.
To participate in the Battle Hard meme campaign, visit the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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