General Updates
TOTHEMOON conducted its second item NFT airdrop, distributing approximately 20,000 NFTs to holders of Waxing Crescent Phase Character NFTs. Additionally, TTM added ten channels to the official Discord server for individual languages, including Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
NudesToken released v2.1 of the NudesArmy meme platform, which included an improved comment section, new categories, and other bug fixes.
The Ilex Genesis NFT sale began Aug. 17 on the Mega Oasis marketplace, and all six of the 1/1 Meta Poleman NFTs were sold out by Sunday, Aug. 21. Each NFT cost 266 NEO.
AxLabs hosted a ShillYourProposal Twitter Space through the GrantShares Twitter account with recent grant recipient Web3 Community – Italy. In the conversation, grant recipients Luca B. and Riccardo talked about their proposal for a community-building project, their previous marketing experience, plans for the Web3 Community, and much more.
Forthewin Network optimized fees for the Swap module, reducing them from 0.08252064 GAS to 0.0392888 GAS. Additionally, Forthewin Network added three new pools to its Double Farm feature, which allows users to restake LP tokens for varying reward APRs. The new Double Farm pools are NEP/fWBTC, NEP/fWETH, and bNEO/fUSDT.
Developer Updates
Neo released the latest version of the official N3 node client, Neo-CLI v3.4, which included additional token data to the TokenTracker plugin, a new native contract method, and several bug fixes.
AxLabs released Neow3j v3.19.0, which centers on changes made in accordance with the Neo v3.4 update, including a new native contract method and improvements to NEP-17 balance query responses.
COZ updated the desktop version of Neon Wallet, which integrates with the Flamingo API to enhance token value accuracy.
Neo SPCC updated NeoGo to v0.99.2, bringing full compatibility with Neo v3.4 for the N3 MainNet and TestNet. Included in the release was an overhaul to the RPC client interfaces and new service management functions that will improve the developer experience.
Aug. 31: AxLabs is hosting ShillYourProposal Twitter Space on the GrantShares Twitter page.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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