General Updates
Neo Global Development launched the pre-alpha TestNet of Neo X, the NeoEVM sidechain. Neo X aims to connect the Neo N3 network with the widely-used EVM network, broadening the scope of development opportunities within the Neo ecosystem. It will inherit certain features from Neo N3, such as its delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus mechanism, while extending functionality in other areas, such as measures to address toxic MEV behaviors. Users who wish to explore and test the network’s features are encouraged to sign up for the Early-Access Group.
Battle Hardened distributed 507 NEP-17 B tokens to early community members at the conclusion of a two-month meme campaign. From Halloween through Christmas Day, participants engaged in the festivities by contributing memes, with each submission earning them one B token. The tokens were distributed on Dec. 27.
TOTHEMOON announced the snapshot for its third Item NFT airdrop will take place at 10:00 p.m. (UTC) on Friday, Jan. 5. To ensure all NFTs are accounted for, TTM notes users must remove Phase 3 (First Quarter) Character NFTs from any NFT marketplace before the snapshot to qualify for the airdrop.
World of Elements released v1.05 of its role-playing game, which included the addition of new content, bug fixes, and other improvements. World of Elements also released an overview of the team’s first year, which noted events held, FRANK token distributions, the v1 release of the RPG, and more.
MegaOasis concluded the Tree Of Life #00 NFT free mint in collaboration with Somewhere Art; a total of 555 NFTs were minted.
Flamingo released statistics on the FLUND single-sided staking pool for Week 51 of 2023, noting a total value of approximately US $9.8 million, total minting rewards of $4.1 million, and total trading fee rewards of $782,000.
Developer Updates
NeoSPCC released NeoGo v0.105.0, which included extended RPC subscriptions API, new CLI transaction awaiting functionality, and user-facing improvements.
COZ shared an overview video of the developer community’s efforts in 2023, which noted various activations and developer tool releases.
AxLabs shared a 2023 highlight reel, which included winning the ETH Zurich hackathon, participating in various Neo-oriented events, GrantShares updates, the launch of 1-click node, and more.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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