General Updates
Quirky Soul College and COZ have engaged in a new collaboration, which will take effect for players of the QSC game on Jan. 30. QSC is launching the “Vending Machine” that allows users to obtain a unique COZ-based skin that can be equipped on Quirky Soul NFTs. To earn a COZ-theme skin from the Vending Machine, users must own a Quirky Soul NFT and a Puppet NFT. Additionally, QSC has performed an airdrop of FDE tokens for holders of wave zero NFTs.
DogeRift released v1.09 of its P2E game. The update included the addition of striking and goalie bots for the soccer game and performance updates in preparation for the launch of the parkour game.
GhostMarket released its roadmap for 2023, which noted plans for full indexing of each supported chain, integrating third-party order books, along with many more goals.
Flamingo published the top pools by APR rewards for the third week of Jan. 2023, which included bNEO/FUSD, FLM/FUSD, and bNEO/DOGER.
NNT joined the GhostMarket Twitter Spaces to discuss the types of content the Smart Economy Podcast aims to share, the recent migration of NNT’s Week in Review from an audio format to a video-based format, updates on the two teams that were recently awarded an NNT Student Grant, and the GrantShares community funding DAO.
NNT released the first video-based version of the Week in Review, which will no longer be shared via podcasting platforms, but through the official Neo News Today YouTube channel.
NNT released a GrantShares overview that covered successful proposal updates; new discussions; active, executed, and rejected proposals; and the general status of the treasury. At the time of press, 17,911 NEO and 165 GAS has been distributed across 12 applications, and the treasury has 8,555 NEO and 3,228 GAS remaining to fund future ventures.
GrantShares proposal dApp- Gamefied price forecasting + NEO advanced analytics dashboard (with 3D visualizations) was approved, while cNEO Part 2: Contract Audit was executed. The proposal New member key for NSPCC was put forth and immediately put to the vote. The proposal Birble AI ADD Token was put forth for discussion.
Neo Global Development released a video highlighting the 17 universities, various speakers from the Neo ecosystem, and conversations with students held on the Decoding Web3 US Campus Tour.
Unlocking the Chain shared a new video about Forthewin Network that offers a walkthrough of all of the FTW modules. The video also shows how to provide liquidity to various pools and use the Smith token generation tool.
nDapp added the GasBot, Neo Soccer, and Lounge applications to the dApp discovery and analytics platform.
Developer Updates
COZ CEO Tyler Adams facilitated a workshop with the FanGarde team at the University of Colorado – Boulder campus on Wednesday, Jan. 25. The 2.5-hour workshop offered an overview of COZ’s tools, launching smart contracts on the Neo blockchain, and steelmanning the FanGarde architecture.
Jan. 31: Flamingo Finance hosting a Fireplace Event on the official Discord server.
Jan. 31: Meme2Earn hosting a Fireplace Event on the official Discord server.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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