General Updates
GhostMarket announced the release of its TypeScript SDK. The tool makes it easy for developers of new and existing applications to integrate with the features offered by the platform across all its supported blockchains. With the SDK, developers can interact with the platform’s smart contracts, operate trading strategies, track events, and connect their own dApps with GhostMarket services. GhostMarket also released a report for the previous week, which noted marketing updates, new collection listings, and more. Lastly, the team hosted a Twitter space to answer community questions; a recording can be found on their Twitter account.
TOTHEMOON announced that the snapshot for its second item airdrop will take place on Friday, August 5th at 6:00 p.m. UTC. Owners of Cryptonaut, Moon Trainer, Moon Creature, and Moon Baby NFTs from the Waxing Crescent Phase are eligible for the airdrop. Any Waxing Crescent character NFTs listed on marketplaces must be delisted before the snapshot occurs to receive the airdrop.
Neo released an overview of Mega Oasis artist Zhenchen Liu’s current tour through major cities across China. The exhibition includes 30 works on display, including paintings, mixed-material light boxes, and videos. Liu showcases the Meta Panacea series on the Neo blockchain at the shows, which is also the artist’s first NFT series. Neo is one among several sponsors of the tour.
A funding request to create a Neo-based training program to serve as both a teaching and marketing tool was executed on GrantShares, while a Spanish Neo course proposal was closed with encouragement to resubmit with a more detailed engagement strategy.
The NudesToken team airdropped 1 trillion NUDES tokens to active users of the NudesArmy meme platform.
Developer Updates
Neo SPCC updated NeoGo to v0.99.1. The release brings compatibility with Neo 3.3.1, a range of bug fixes, and is the first to offer support for devices operating on the ARM architecture. A long list of improvements arrived in the new build, split between internal refactoring and developer conveniences. Users will find improved error messages in the CLI and when using WebSockets, better documentation for JSON differences with the C# node, and new helper methods in the interop package for type comparisons in smart contracts. A full resync will be required for existing node runners in order to get the correct state.
NNT Catch Up
Neo News Today released episode 12 of the Smart Economy Podcast, featuring Grace Gui, the CMO of Jsquare. Jsquare is a VC firm that focuses on the blockchain industry’s NFT, GameFi, and Metaverse sectors. Discussion topics included Gui’s background in the legal field, the international appeal cryptocurrency offers, how broader macro trends impact cryptocurrency markets, the differences between market cycles, current and future trends she’s monitoring, philosophical differences between different VC firms, and more!
Aug. 3: AxLabs is hosting the second ShillYourProposal Twitter space on the GrantShares account.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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