General Updates
ITEM Systems is installing a new non-fungible item plaque at a mural located in Santos, Brazil. Similar to those installed at DENVER WALLS, the NFI plaque will offer tap-and-scan functionality for mural visitors to learn more about the artwork, its artists, and the piece’s cultural significance to the region.
Three GrantShares proposals have seen recent activity. The NDEX platform for NEP-17 token creation and distribution put forth its first of two milestone proposals for discussion. The NEO.coupons proposal to create coupons backed by NEP-17 tokens was rejected with two votes of support, three in opposition, and one abstain. Lastly, Pixudi’s second milestone round of funding request for 1,000 NEO was executed for the multi-chain NFT board racing game.
Pixudi launched a community campaign in advance of the new board that will be dedicated to the Neo ecosystem. To participate, users must follow Pixudi’s X account, respond to the Twitter thread with ideas for a new concept, zone, or character, and provide a wallet address along with an explanation. The contest runs through April 15, 2024.
Forthewin Network added integration for the Neo X TestNet to its DeFi platform. Users can collect TestNet N3 GAS from the Neo TestNet faucet and bridge it across to the EVM sidechain using the Neo X bridge. The integration is intended to give users a glimpse into how Neo X will work with the Forthewin platform.
World of Elements hosted a livestream to showcase a round of the Pixudi board game and share rewards with community members.
AxLabs senior engineer Michael Bucher will deliver a presentation at ETHZürich about bridging EVM and non-EVM assets in effective and practical ways.
Unlocking the Chain released a video offering an overview of how new Neo N3 users can create a new wallet and submit their address for the forthcoming Schrute Bucks memecoin airdrop.
Flamingo released a recording of the Community Lagoon from February 2024, which noted that Rentfuse and Quirky Soul College founder Michael Fabozzi joined the Flamingo team, OrderBook+ is undergoing a security audit from a second firm, a tentative Q2 2024 TestNet launch for the on-chain AMM, bridging into other ecosystems via Thorchain, community growth initiatives, and more.
Flamingo shared statistics on the top pools by volume for Week 10 of 2024, which included FLP-FLM-bNEO with approximately US $6.36 million, FLP-bNEO-fWBTC with $1.56 million, and FLP-bNEO-fUSDT with $1.47 million.
NNT Catch Up
NNT released Episode 59 of The Smart Economy Podcast featuring Philip Schommers, the head of infrastructure at Gnosis Chain, an entity that has been at the forefront of building decentralized infrastructure for the Ethereum ecosystem since its inception in 2015. Topics of discussion include the history of the Gnosis ecosystem and its various products, similarities and differences between Gnosis Chain and Ethereum, the importance of MEV resistance, how governance impacts infrastructural development, the various technical aspects of Gnosis Chain and the broader ecosystem, and more.
NNT’s editors co-hosted Crypto Coffee and Blockchain Beer Spaces #10 on The Smart Economy Podcast X account. Topics of discussion include the successful Ethereum Dencun upgrade, blobs storage, different types of MEV, CyberPort’s significance to Web3 in the Hong Kong region, and the recent Neo and Web3Labs accelerator program partnership.
March 22: NNT Editors hosting CC & BB #11 on The Smart Economy Podcast official X account.
March 26: Flamingo Finance hosting a Community Lagoon on the official Discord server.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski