Forthewin Network has launched the first modules on its cross-chain DeFi tooling platform for the Neo X TestNet. Users can now access Forthewin Network’s Smith, Swap, and Farm features on the Neo EVM sidechain, currently under development.
To begin exploring, an individual must first acquire Neo N3 TestNet GAS via the Neo Global Development faucet. Then, migrate TestNet GAS via the N3 to X bridge.
Forthewin Network has noted that Neo X is still under development, that all on-chain data will be cleared following the launch of MainNet, and that users should refrain from sending digital assets that reside on Neo N3 or EVM-blockchain MainNet.
Smith offers functionality to mint NEP-17 tokens at a deploy fee of 10 GAS coupled with a mint fee of 1 GAS. It was designed to offer a no-code solution for anyone to launch a token on Neo, Polygon, Ethereum, and soon-to-be Neo X.
Swap is an AMM service that allows users to provide liquidity, perform token swaps, and create their own pools of NEP-17 token pairs.
LP contributions in Swap are represented in NFT form, rather than as a NEP-17 token correlated to percentage ownership of the pool, found in typical AMMs such as Flamingo. This allows users to lease out their LP directly with protocols such as Rentfuse, allowing others to farm the rewards, or trade the LP NFT directly on NFT marketplaces like GhostMarket.
Farm offers various rates of APR on its staking pools, which are based on a contributor’s LP rather than derived from the percentage share of the pools. At the time of press, there are 11 Farm LPs on Neo N3 MainNet, one each on Ethereum and Polygon MainNet, and two on Neo X TestNet.
What’s Next?
Looking forward, Forthewin Network intends to host a competition on the Neo X sidechain that will be similar to the first meme coin campaign. In the first campaign, participants minted unique memecoins using the Smith module on Neo N3 TestNet, then used the coin to create a new pool on Swap.
In a conversation with NNT, Forthewin Network founder Ed noted his intentions to generate activity on Neo X for future DeFi and data applications to track. He said,
Neo doesn’t have access to platforms that provide DEX history to people like CoinMarketCap and DEXTools. I believe NGD will connect Neo X to those large platforms and open the gate. With that hope in mind, I want to hold our second meme contest on the Neo X TestNet, offering meaningful prizes to generate some activity before its launch.
About Forthewin Network
Forthewin Network was developed and is maintained by a Neo community developer who goes by Ed. Ed first joined the Neo ecosystem in 2018 with his decentralized lottery and raffle application.
The current platform launched on Neo N3 in December 2021 with the Smith NEP-17 token generator and a page to mint FTW Rune NFTs, which later became a necessary element to play TOTHEMOON’s Fusion Battle Arena game.
In 2022, the team launched the Swap and Farm modules, held its first memecoin campaign on N3 TestNet, conducted an initial DEX offering for the platform’s native NEP token, and minted the Neo Boyz NFT series.
In 2023, Forthewin Network launched a Polygon token bridge and a yield-generation NEO wrapper, expanded its support to Ethereum, and signaled intent to be among the first projects to launch on the forthcoming Neo EVM sidechain.
Once Neo X MainNet support is live, it will become the fourth chain that the platform supports.
The full announcement can be found in the Forthewin Network Discord server link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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