General Updates
GhostMarket launched the GFUND, a single-sided staking-like feature that yields portions of daily minting rewards, trading fees, and exit fees accrued on the NFT marketplace. The GFUND initially launched on Neo N3, the blockchain with the most activity on GhostMarket. The Neo-based GFUND will be seeded with 1 million GM tokens to distribute as minting rewards for the first three months. GhostMarket also rolled out an email update feature, which alerts users when they receive an offer or a bid for an NFT, buy or sell an NFT, or are outbid in an auction.
Neo News Today launched the GasBot tipping service for Discord. GasBot supports several NEP-17 tokens from projects in the ecosystem; users can currently send GAS, FLM, TTM, NEP, GM, CANDY, bNEO, and NUDES to other users or addresses. A giveaway event is being held to commemorate the launch, giving participants a chance to win a share of 100 GAS per week.
Forthewin Network’s NeoBoyz mint event opened with 3,333 profile picture NFT’s available for purchase at 5,000 NEP each. The characters are generated through an algorithm that includes 138 unique traits for background, body, accessories, clothing, eyes, head, and mouth. The proceeds from the Neo Boyz NFT series will be added to the NEP single-sided staking pool and go toward development expenses. 2,893 NFTs are still available to be minted at time of writing.
GrantShares released several updates to its community funding DAO dApp over the past few weeks, including an edit proposal feature, members overview, parameters overview, new proposal editor, timeline of proposals, and a filtering feature. Additionally, GrantShares is a “co-builder” sponsor of the IstanDAO conference taking place Nov. 15 and 16 in Istanbul, Turkey. Finally, GrantShares proposals Quidli – Crypto reward tool on Discord for NEO and FrankCoin – a community coin wants to reward holders were put forth for discussion.
Quirky Soul College founder Michael Fabozzi joined the Neo Live AMA series to discuss the recent launch of Neo’s first dynamic NFT and upcoming game. In the AMA, Fabozzi gave an overview of how the Quirky Soul NFTs will be dynamic and interact with the game, how the NFT image will change over time according to the character’s in-game status, integrating support for other NFTs in the Neo ecosystem, how NFT holders will impact the direction of the game’s plot, and the role of the Fresh Dark Elixir NEP-17 utility token in the game. Participants in the AMA shared rewards from a prize pool comprising three Quirky Soul NFTs.
Neo Colorado conducted a workshop with the re-energized CU Blockchain Club at the University of Colorado – Boulder. At the event, students were onboarded into the Neo ecosystem by creating a wallet, receiving NEO and GAS, claiming a NeoNS domain name, minting a token, and creating a liquidity pool on Forthewin Network.
Meme2Earn (formerly NudesArmy) released statistics about platform usage, including increased memes created and total users.
ONTO Wallet released v 4.4.2, which added support for sending transactions on the Neo N3 blockchain via NeoNS domain names.
QLC Chain rebranded as Kepple, and plans to migrate the QLC token from Neo to Binance Smart Chain and swap it for the KPL token.
Developer Updates
COZ released neon.js v5.2.1, which included fixes on WitnessRules deserialization and TestNet5 network magic.
AxLabs released Neow3j v 3.19.1, including interfaces for the official NeoNS contract, and transfer methods that allow users to transfer tokens to an NNS resolvable address.
Nov. 14 – 27: GasBot Discord giveaway launch event.
Nov. 17: Neo News Today will join a Twitter space hosted by GhostMarket.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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