NEXT, a China-based Neo developer community, has released its monthly report for April 2020, which most notably highlighted progress achieved on the NeoLine mobile app, ecosystem contributions, and the launch of NeoTalk.
Additionally, the NeoLine wallet witnessed a design update that referenced the Neo brand update in 2019, and the team opened a bounty program for users to report issues such as asset transfer problems, typos, and broken UI or app navigation.
The NeoLine mobile wallet was released in November 2019 and includes support for managing multiple addresses, CNY/USD conversion rates, multiple languages, and embedded block data querying functionality.
In April 2020, NEXT integrated AMA functionality, lottery tools, and improved international language content across iOS and Android operating systems.
Android users can update NeoLine directly from Google Play, whereas iOS users are currently required to use to TestFlight access the app.
Further, the team also launched the www.neoline.io domain, intended to offer better access to the mobile app for its international userbase, spanning across more than 60 countries.
Ecosystem contributions
NEXT released Squirrel, an open-source block analysis and storage program for the current Neo2 iteration of the blockchain. Squirrel parses and persists Neo blockchain data into a MySQL database, which includes information such as UTXO transfers, NEP-5 transfers, address balances, and more. Data parsing is a process that re-formats data into another, more readable data format.
NEXT claims that Squirrel supports multiple nodes as sources to avoid single points of failure, and can quickly sync blockchain data. An optional mail alert has also been included which can notify users about exceptions if they occur.
The community developer group also began integrating support for the NEP-11 non-fungible token (NFT) standard into the NeoLine app, which will allow users to manage and trade NFTs similarly to the OpenSea marketplace. Currently, there is no firm deadline for integrating support, though the team is aiming for Q2 2020.
Lastly, NEXT deployed new neo-cli 2.10.3 seed nodes in the US and Hong Kong, and are considering publishing the node domains for public use. This helps provide more options to users, developers, and dApps without the resources to operate their own nodes, providing a relay service for interacting with the Neo blockchain.
Lastly, in April, the NEXT team launched NeoTalk, which offers a variety of short videos to help users better understand the NeoLine product and how to use the platform.
Exampes of tutorials include an overview of downloading NeoLine for Android, the wallet creation and import process, backing up private keys, and much more.
The full announcement can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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