Neo Global Development will host the NFT and DeFi platform, Humswap, on the next event in the Neo Live series. Humswap co-founders, Mario Lopez and Jason Tezanos, will join the AMA to talk about their new platform, an Excellence Award winner of the recent Neo Frontier Launchpad event. The Humswap team will distribute ten Pixel Bowl NFTs to participants in the AMA event.

The hour-long Neo Live event will take place on the official Neo Telegram channel, beginning at 1:00 p.m. (UTC) on Tuesday, Sep. 28, 2021.

Humswap is a DeFi platform built on Neo N3 that will offer liquidity pools for various tokens, a marketplace for NFTs, and token swapping. It will also provide an opportunity for users to play games and win prizes. Additionally, Humswap was the second project accepted into the N3 Early Adoption Program, which is intended to incentivize the development of new dApps on the Neo N3 blockchain.

Neo Live is an AMA-style community event on the official Neo Telegram channel. The event seeks to connect the Neo community with NGD core teams, ecosystem projects, the Neo developer community, and blockchain leaders to learn about the latest technological developments and industry insights.

The full announcement can be found at the link below: