Battle Hard has released the Vendor smart contract on Neo N3 MainNet and TestNet. Vendor is a token distribution tool for fledgling projects that don’t have the means to establish liquidity pools on a non-custodial exchange.
The Vendor concept was born out of the vending machines that populate cities in different regions of Japan. The Battle Hard Vendor allows a token creator to stock the contract with “bundles” comprising a predetermined amount of tokens that can be traded for another token. For example, a creator can release 100 bundles, each carrying a cost of 2 GAS and containing 100 B tokens. This would distribute 10,000 B tokens without the use of a liquidity pool.
In a conversation with NNT, DIGI Byte, the creator of Battle Hard, noted that this method can be an alternative for new projects seeking to distribute community tokens. “Creating a pool requires a lump supply of a token just to distribute them, which seems counterintuitive to smaller creators.”
Initially, DIGI Byte built the tool to distribute the forthcoming B tokens that will be used for all Battle Hard platform functions. However, users can create unique vending machines stocked with other NEP-17 tokens on the website as soon as it goes live. At the time of press, the smart contracts are open-source and available for developers to fork and integrate into their dApps.
Project founders interested in getting their tokens listed on the Battle Hard Vendor will need to be whitelisted by DIGI Byte to ensure there aren’t token duplicates or fake coins. The review process will require the token’s contract hash, symbol, and image (shared via IPFS or CDN). Longer term, DIGI Byte is interested in exploring a more democratic token listing process, such as a public buy/vote system via a DAO.
Ultimately, DIGI Byte intends to take the proceeds from the Vendor to create a B token LP on the Forthewin Network DeFi platform.
About Battle Hard
Battle Hard is a cross-chain NFT project designed to inject new utility into NFTs, reactivating wallets to give new life to abandoned projects. The platform was born out of a sense of despair that one might have when the leadership of a token project shuts its doors. The platform will aim to revive the creator’s and NFT users’ agency over their digital assets.
With Battle Hardened, the user can fuse NFTs from multiple projects and compete in battles on the platform. The Battle Hard concept incorporates an arena inspired by Pokemon Battles and Stats systems, and will iterate upon the logic of TOTHEMOON Fusion Battle Arenas that launched in 2022.
Following the launch of the Battle Hard platform on Neo N3, the team intends to launch a B token, which will be used for all activity within its ecosystem. Ultimately, 1 million B tokens will be minted on each chain Battle Hard supports. The utility of the B token will include minting, voting, in-game purchases, and more.
In July 2023, Battle Hard received funding from GrantShares, a community funding DAO in the Neo ecosystem. The team intends to launch on Neo first, then expand to other blockchain networks like Solana, Polygon, and Ethereum.
Once live, the Battle Hard platform can be accessed at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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