United States-based social media project, Narrative, has announced updates to its project roadmap. It follows Narrative’s recent releases of a reworked alpha version containing a new infrastructure and front-end, and a moderator center for the site.

Narrative’s beta release, originally scheduled for the end of 2018, has been pushed back to March 2019 in the updated development roadmap. Narrative states that the changes made in the alpha update have “set us up to deliver more consistently in the future” as “critical architecture and infrastructure” challenges are solved.

Release Schedule

Narrative is planning a series of incremental releases leading up to the March beta in order to test key components before the beta launch. The following development calendar is currently scheduled:

  • December 2018: Narrative’s reputation system and the addition of a platform statistics page
  • January 2019: Content drafting with pre-publishing for automatic inclusion on the beta launch day
  • February 2019: KYC verification (optional) and user onboarding features, including profile customization
  • March 2019: Narrative Beta launch, including “all of the core functionality required for viewing content” as well as active rating and comment systems. Registration will be opened to the general public at this time.

Narrative claims a current user base of over 5,000 “early adopters”. Interested applicants can apply to use the alpha through Narrative’s waitlist.

The full Narrative Beta announcement can be viewed at the following link: