The NEO Council have today released their October Monthly Report. The Monthly Reports are a round up of all the developments, news and events from within the NEO Council during the previous month.

The report highlighted five main milestones from October. These were –

1. Red Pulse ICO – The first ever token sale on the NEO blockchain
2. Unlocking 50 million NEO tokens owned by the NEO Council, with 15 million available for funding development of the NEO ecosystem
3. The first NEP-5 token to be traded on an exchange
4. NEO added as a quote currency to an exchange
5. The announcement of the “NEO Sponsor Giveback Plan

The report also outlined some adjustments to the NEO roadmap, with one major change being the decentralisation of consensus nodes.

On October 28th, an issue occurred that saw network delays. The report explains that the long block times were caused by the movement of the 50 million tokens that had been unlocked to fund ecosystem development. Through this process, two external nominees were selected as consensus nodes, however, both these nodes were offline. NEO acknowledged this was a result of human error, not a technical issue, and would not have occurred if the network had been fully decentralised. For this reason NEO have moved the decentralisation of consensus nodes from Q1 2018 to today.

The other roadmap adjustment was the preliminary date of NEO DevCon moving to January because of scheduling and visa related issues.

Other accomplishments and work completed outlined in the report include –

The October monthly report expands greatly upon the summary outlined here, and can be read at this link –