NEO Global Development (NGD) released its October monthly report on November 1st, 2018. NGD’s report is designed to keep the community informed about the latest development, events, and progress on the NEO blockchain.

NEO MainNet

Developers on the NEO blockchain took time for a birthday party this month, as NEO’s MainNet celebrated its second birthday on October 17th, 2018. And on October 20th, the Dutch telecom company KPN was voted in as a consensus node on NEO’s MainNet. The approval of KPN is another step towards greater decentralization of the blockchain’s bookkeeping functions.

NEO’s MainNet and TestNet consensus nodes have also been upgraded to v2.9.0 following September’s release, and the newest iteration of the full node program NEO-CLI, v2.9.1, is now available.

Community Expansion

NEO Global Development held its first Russian NEO meetup in St. Petersburg this month. Seven smart contracts were deployed to NEO’s TestNet during a development workshop.

AmazoNeo, a community-led effort to grow NEO in Latin America, was also unveiled at the end of the month. The Coelho brothers, who are also the co-founders of the blockchain development group NEO Research, are supporting the group. Japan-based developer community Keymakers was also cited for its progress in education and technical documentation.

Finally, NEO’s European hackathon tour began at the end of October and continues through early November, and NGD’s Creative Design Competition concluded, distributing $30,000 USD in prizes.

Key Interviews

On the publicity trail, NGD general manager Johnson Chen talked about NEO’s development goals from the Delta Summit conference in Malta, while NEO founder, Da Hongfei, briefed Korea’s largest business newspaper on his vision of a future “Smart Economy” overseen by code.

NGD’s monthly report may be read in full at the following link: