Neo Global Development (NGD) hosted an English-based Neo Live with the founder of Moonlight and co-founder of COZ, Tyler Adams, and senior engineer on the NGD protocol team, Justin Jin. Neo Live is an ask me anything (AMA) style event that aims to showcase projects and partners within the Neo ecosystem. The event was moderated by NGD community operations specialist, Songping Que. The conversation focused primarily on decentralized and self-sovereign identity (SSI) solutions on the Neo blockchain, an area which Adams and Jin are both actively working on projects.
NGD Seattle lead, John deVadoss, announced an online presentation to be held for the .NET Developers Association of Washington on April 6th. The presentation aims to provide an overview of blockchain ecosystems and business applications, followed by a five-minute demonstration of building a Neo-based smart contract in C#.
NNT Catch Up
NGD community operation specialist, Songping Que, joined episode 27 of the Neo News Today (NNT) podcast. Discussion topics focused on the effects of the coronavirus on China-based operations and Neo’s global development community, including on workplace logistics, offline events, Neo3 progress, and much more.
Developer Groups
NEXT released its monthly report for March 2020, which highlighted development progress on the mobile and browser versions of the NeoLine wallet, an N95 mask giveaway campaign, and recruitment of volunteers to test the NeoLine wallet.
Neo St. Petersburg Competence Center (Neo SPCC) released an article offering an overview of its recently developed content delivery network (CDN). The decentralized CDN aims to allow dApps and web-based projects to access the global NeoFS network, bypassing the bottleneck of HTTPS protocol gates of current centralized CDN offerings.
March 30th, the O3 wallet became available to iOS mobile users via the TestFlight platform. TestFlight allows developers to distribute software to users for testing purposes. As TestFlight builds typically expire after 90 days, TestFlight distribution is only intended as a stop gap solution while NGD “actively [solves] the trademark dispute regarding the O3 Wallet on [the] AppStore.”
March 30th, Switcheo announced the beta launch of TradeHub, a standalone order matching engine formerly referred to as Switcheo Chain. Switcheo also launched a website for the Switcheo Foundation so users may gain a better understanding of the direction of its new non-profit decentralized finance (DeFi) project.
March 31st, Incognito Chain announced the completion of its trusted privacy bridge for the Neo blockchain, enabling users to swap native NEO tokens to a shielded version, pNEO, managed on an Incognito sidechain. After the swap, users can transact and trade privately, swapping back to the Neo blockchain as desired. A video guide of the shielding process was also provided by the Incognito team.
April 1st, QLC Chain announced a new listing on the Boboo centralized exchange, which will also include a 900,000 QLC token giveaway.
April 3rd, SafuDex announced the launch of its SmartBNB smart contract on the Neo TestNet. The smart contract offers a cross-chain bridge that allows tokens on Binance Chain to use Neo smart contracts.
April 3rd, Nash launched its decentralized API keys based on multi-party computation (MPC), a technique that increases the non-custodial exchange’s ability to service institutional entities.
Token Listings
March 6th: John deVadoss online presentation and demo to .NET Developers Association.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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