Neo Global Development (NGD) announced an upcoming Neo-based university course at the St. Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg, Russia. The computer science course is entitled “Software Development Using Neo Blockchain Technology,” and was confirmed following an NGD event with the university.
Head of NGD Seattle, John deVadoss, and lead architect, Harry Pierson, presented a keynote speech at the Live! 360 conference in Orlando, Florida. The pair presented on the topic “Programming Smart Contracts in C# and .NET.” The presentation outlined how to program smart contracts in C#, TypeScript, and Python on the Neo blockchain platform.
Harry Pierson, chief architect of NGD Seattle, and Ricardo Prado, a Neo core developer, recently joined Neo News Today to give an introduction and overview of the Neo Blockchain Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.
SafePal participated in NGD’s English Neo Live event. SafePal CEO, Veronica Wong, joined the AMA, where she discussed the background of the SafePal hardware wallet, the team working on the product, and SafePal’s vision to continue building as cryptocurrency integrates into society.
Neo announced it has joined the decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet (LEDGER) Supportive Partner network to help build the next generation internet (NGI). Neo joins the Supportive Partner network alongside a variety of start-ups, technology development organizations, and blockchain entities such as the Ethereum Foundation and the IOTA Foundation.
Neo and TomoChain, a public blockchain with smart contract functionality, announced a strategic partnership. The two entities aim to “[leverage] their respective strengths to accelerate ecosystem development” by attracting users and talented developers.
NNT Catch Up
Arkane Network CEO, Karel Striegel, joined the Neo News Today podcast to discuss the Arkane Wallet and its availability across platforms, removing UX issues on the road to mass adoption, how the Arkane and Neo relationship began, the differences between providing support for Neo against other blockchains, and much more.
Neo was represented at Blockchain Show 2019, a sold-out conference that featured participants from across the blockchain spectrum, including representatives from projects such as Binance, Lisk, Etherscan, eToro, ConsenSys, VeChain, Changelly, and many more. Neo ecosystem partners at the event included Onchain Custodian, CryptoFast, OnTrade, Switcheo, Liquefy, Guardian Circle, Novem Gold, and Higgs Network.
neow3j delivered a hands-on workshop at the University of Basel and a presentation to students at the University of Geneva. neow3j founder, Dr. Guilherme Sperb Machado (a.k.a. Guil), and co-maintainer, Claude Müller, delivered the workshop and presentations.
NGD Seattle head, John deVadoss, recently participated in an interview with Blockchain Brad. The interview lasted over an hour, covering a wide range of topics that included deVadoss’ background, developer recruitment and onboarding, toolsets, .NET, digitized assets, Neo apps, funding, Neo3, China, and permissioned vs. public chains.
Guardian Circle CEO, Mark Jeffrey spoke with Techcryption about the history of the community emergency response network application.
Developer Groups
NEXT announced the public beta launch of the mobile version of its NeoLine wallet. The NeoLine mobile wallet offers support for “multiple address management, CNY/USD exchange rate conversion, multi-language switching, and embedded block data query function.”
NewEconoLabs (NEL) released its first fortnightly report for November. Highlights included updates to the Neo3 neo-SDK-ts and porting its Teemo browser wallet to Neo3.
Following on from the launch of its Send.NeoFS service, Neo St. Petersburg Competence Center (NeoSPCC), has published the source code for its CLI application, NeoFS Proto library, and release a demo wallet to facilitate easy network testing by users.
November 18th, FutureDAO released its fortnightly update, which included updates to buying and selling modules, the addition of various functions, and progress on the development of the smart contract.
November 18th, Alphacat released its fortnightly report, which highlighted the launch of ACAT Store v2 for Windows.
November 20th, QLC Chain released its fortnightly update, which highlighted more than 78 million NEP-5 QLC tokens staked, expansion of its top-up service in two new countries, and recent activities at events and with government entities.
November 20th, Neo Colorado hosted an Ideas and Microgrants event in Lafayette, Colorado. The idea generation event sought to foster the discussion of projects that could be built on the Neo blockchain, as well as potential support from the COZ microgrants program.
November 21st, Neo News Today published a video introduction to the S1 hardware wallet by SafePal, showing what’s in the box and demoing the user experience of sending and receiving assets. SafePal recently integrated NEO, GAS, and NEP-5 token support.
November 21st, Nash integrated Bitcoin purchase and support for its US-based users.
November 22nd, Nash co-founder, Thomas Saunders, participated in an interview with AiThority to discuss his history in blockchain, how Nash started, and Saunders’ outlooks on the blockchain, AI, and machine learning industry.
November 25th: John deVadoss at Genesis DevCon – Bangalore, India.
December 21st: Neo and TomoChain meetup and workshop – Hanoi, Vietnam.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski