Neo Global Development (NGD) released the Flamingo litepaper, which included information about its modules and features, proposed governance mechanism, and roadmap. The litepaper also outlined the initial release schedule for FLM, Flamingo Finance’s NEP-5 governance token. Initial FLM distribution is expected to begin with a “Mint Rush” on Wednesday, September 23rd, and continue at a decelerated rate for 13 weeks.
Neo founder, Da Hongfei, participated in the 2020 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), which took place in Beijing, China, and was the first in-person event sponsored by the Chinese government since the COVID-19 outbreak. At the event, Da talked about how he believes blockchain will be a core technological foundation for the next wave of globalization.
NNT Catch Up
Neo News Today hosted COZ, Moonlight and Vivid co-founder, Tyler Adams, on episode 39 of the NNT podcast. The episode was the first of a two-part series, with discussions focused on Moonlight and Vivid, the relationship between the two projects, why developers would want to use Vivid over other identity solutions, current Moonlight functionality, and more.
Moonlight joined Zilliqa’s ZILHive Accelerator, a six-month program that helps support startups in their growth phase. Moonlight will collaborate with Zilliqa to improve access to cross-chain decentralized self-sovereign identity (DSSI) tools, hoping to grow Moonlight’s user base. According to Adams, the Moonlight team intends to build Zilliqa’s DSSI and decentralized identifier (DID) infrastructure using the tools and knowledge gained from developing the Vivid standard.
Developer Groups
O3 Labs conducted an ask me anything (AMA) on the official Neo Telegram channel. O3 Labs representatives discussed its in-app fiat-to-cryptocurrency onramp, unique O3 Wallet features, planned cross-chain asset support, and more.
O3 Labs also released a guide for creating, importing, and managing a wallet on its mobile and desktop apps.
September 8th, TypeEarn announced its tentative launch date of September 25th, 2020. The team intends to offer TypeEarn services to more than 20 schools with which partnerships have already been established. To prepare for development and marketing costs associated with its launch, TypeEarn is conducting a small fundraising round to raise US $5,000. The funds will be earmarked to prepare documentation and technical support necessary for initial exchange offering (IEO) listings.
September 9th, Switcheo announced the launch of the Demex public beta TestNet, a non-custodial derivatives markets exchange. To incentivize use, Switcheo ran a trading challenge from September 9th through the 14th, where the top 10 traders shared rewards from a pool equivalent to US $2,000.
September 9th, Nash released an article highlighting its progress in the year since it launched on MainNet. Examples include non-custodial BTC trading, decentralized API keys on multi-party computation (MPC), and more. Looking forward, the team noted its Nash Cash fiat ramp, full mobile wallet trading functionality, and its Nash Savings DeFi product as roadmap items.
September 11th, Nash announced that its parent company, Neon Exchange AG, was added to the register of regulated exchange bureaus by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority (FMA). Nash also announced the intended launch of Nash Cash on September 14th.
September 11th, TranslateMe announced the launch of a translation marketplace on its platform. Moving forward, the team will focus on developing a smart contract to authenticate users so they can receive TMN rewards for their translation contributions.
October 6th – 7th: Da Hongfei will speak at LA Blockchain Summit virtual conference
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski