On March 12, 2018 Neon Exchange (NEX) opened registration to enter a lottery to participate in the upcoming public token sale. Registration for the lottery will remain open until March 30, 2018.
NEX Browser Extension
To participate in the NEX lottery registration, users will be required to download and install the Chrome NEX wallet extension. The NEX extension will allow easy interaction with dApps on the web, including the Neon Exchange website, and will be an important part of the broader ecosystem they are trying to create.
Upon installation, the registrant will create a unique username and a password which is stored locally on the computer. The user will then generate an address, encrypted key, and backup private key through the registration process, and can download text document to store the information if desired.
Once the wallet has been successfully set up, participants can visit the NEX website to register for the whitelist lottery. Winners will be able to contribute to the token sale.
Details about the lottery
25,000 participants will be selected in the first round of the lottery and will be able to contribute up to $1,000 USD each. If necessary, there will be a second lottery round to fill the gap created by individuals who failed to register, or contributed under the minimum amount.
To register for the lottery, participants will need to provide their name, country issued ID (national ID, drivers license, or passport), and the contributing wallet address. The wallet address provided in both the lottery registration and Know Your Customer (KYC) process will need to be the same wallet participants use to contribute NEO or GAS during the token sale.
Users who submit multiple forms of identification, or attempt to manipulate the lottery in other ways will be automatically disqualified from participating.
It is important to note that as lottery registrations are open until March 30th, users have plenty of time to make a submission.
Participants from the USA, China, and South Korea are allowed to register for the lottery. However, it will not be determined until March 30, 2018 (at the latest) if individuals from that list will be able to participate in the token sale. NEX will update participants as their legal teams resolve the potential issues.
Once the participant has successfully registered for the lottery, they will be taken to a screen that states they’ve provided all the necessary information and followed the proper steps.
Winners of the lottery will be announced March 31, 2018 at 6:00 PM (UTC).
The NEX token sale is expected to take place in April of 2018.
For more information about NEX, visit their website, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Medium.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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