pubNooks, a content sharing platform in the Neo ecosystem, has released the results from a recent community survey regarding monthly membership fees. It has also launched a new Discord server for community engagement and announced next steps.

After the acquisition of pubNooks assets in January 2020, the new team has been implementing changes to the platform in a piecemeal manner. Most recently, pubNooks went about selecting a new name and floated the idea of imposing a membership fee for platform use.

The recently concluded survey solicited community support on membership fees that ranged from US $0.80 to US $3.00 per month. Among those that participated in the survey, 33% voiced support for a US $3 per month membership fee. The second most favored option was US $2, which garnered 18% of the total responses.

Recognizing not all community members may have access to credit cards, pubNooks is currently exploring how to accept other forms of payment.

Looking forward, pubNooks intends to distribute a survey to gather community feedback on perceived development priorities. A step, pubBooks says, is the first of many that will result in a road map to a beta launch.

Though pubNooks communicates with regular frequency through e-mail newsletters, the team also welcomes new and former community members to participate in the pubNooks Discord Community Server.

Registration for the pubNooks mailing list can be found at the link below: