General Updates

UFO Gaming joined the Neo EcoBoost program to build games on Neo due to the chain’s stability, security, and seamless user experience. The UFO Gaming team aims to create an interactive digital environment where players can find intriguing play-to-earn games, NFT marketplaces, and other blockchain-related features. Looking forward, the UFO Gaming team intends to launch an upcoming game on Neo with the support of a recently awarded grant.

Forthewin Network is conducting an airdrop to Neo wallets that contain Fused Cryptonaut NFTs. Eligible wallets will receive a Locker Key NFT that will provide access to 3,000 NEP tokens after one year. At the time of the snapshot, Fused Cryptonaut NFTs had to be in the user’s wallet and not in the Arenas or listed on an NFT marketplace. The snapshot occurred at 5:00 p.m. (UTC) on Thursday, Aug. 11.

The Ilex Genesis NFT sale will open on the Mega Oasis marketplace at 10:00 a.m. (UTC) on Aug. 17. Additionally, Mega Oasis is rewarding users from a pool of 200 GAS for using its new Guarantee feature, which launched on Thursday, Aug. 11. The team will also be airdropping Ilex Polemen NFTs to MetaPanacea NFT holders.

GhostMarket has integrated liquidity pool staking into its platform, and plans to launch single-sided staking for the GM token in August. Currently, users can provide liquidity to non-custodial exchanges on Polygon, Avalanche, and Binance Smart Chain. GhostMarket is also collaborating with Flamboyant Flamingos to give away one AI-Mingo NFT, a piece of AI-generated artwork stored using NeoFS. The collection is also now available on the GhostMarket platform.

NudesToken and GhostMarket co-hosted an AMA on the official GhostMarket sub-Reddit, where the NudesToken team answered questions about its memesite, tokenomics, and future plans.

DogeRift released a spoiler video demonstrating the registration and UI of its forthcoming game.

Neo Global Development ecosystem growth lead, John Wang, joined the HashPalette Twitter Space to discuss trends in Web3. The conversation can be found here.

NGD Enterprise leader John deVadoss joined The Blockchain Show podcast to talk about utilizing web2 type coding in web3 platforms.

TranslateMe integrated the Turkish language into its API, totaling support for 23 languages.

Developer Updates

Neo released Neo-CLI v. 3.4 on the N3 TestNet, with plans to go live on MainNet on Aug. 24. The update included new methods, new information for GetNep17Balances in TokenTracker, and more.

NNT Catch Up

NNT published a new Polaris feature on SOMNIUMWAVE, which won an Excellence Award in the recent Neo Polaris Launchpad. The SOMNIUMWAVE 3D open-world multiplayer platform is designed to create an experience that rewards players for owning SOMNIUMWAVE NFTs and for interacting with other users within the metaverse.