General Updates
Neo Global Development released the general monthly report for December 2023, which noted the launch of Neo X TestNet RC1, the addition of HashKey to the Neo Council, the Neo ecosystem’s presence on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., and more.
Neo is sponsoring the CKS CRYPTO BOOTCAMP, an event designed to gather developers and builders that will take place at the Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 26 – 28.
Flamingo released its 2024 roadmap, which includes the launches of Orderbook+ v2; FLOCKS, an evolution of the FLUND single-sided staking index-like fund; a token auction module; and more. Flamingo 3D designer SOMNIUMWAVE also created a video highlighting the breadth and depth of forthcoming changes to the DeFi platform. Finally, Flamingo released statistics on the FLUND single-sided staking pool for Week 2 of 2024, noting a total value of approximately US $8.84 million, total minting rewards of $3.58 million, and total trading fee rewards of $677,000.
GrantShares proposals NEON-JS implementation for Sandbox IDE and Pixudi with NeoFS integration. Milestone 2: adding new game mechanics, a special board for NEO and items for the marketplace, more integrations.(updated) were onchain for endorsement. The proposal Invariant: fully permissionless AMM with concentrated liquidity was put up for discussion.
Nash released its annual report for 2023, which highlighted the integration of the NEX Neo Legacy to Neo N3 bridge, the introduction of Neo N3 governance on the web app, and more.
TOTHEMOON completed it’s third item airdrop, distributing 8,788 Item NFTs to Phase 3 (First Quarter) Character NFT holders.
TranslateMe added support for the Danish language to its API.
Developer Updates
NNT shared an overview of the State of NeoFS, a distributed and decentralized object storage system designed to meet the growing demand for scalable and secure data storage in the blockchain space. The article provides a comprehensive status update on NeoFS, delving into its architecture, smart contract integration, node operation, and available resources for developers.
COZ released an updated version of Mamba, its Python SDK for Neo blockchain development. The new release, v2.4.0, brings enhancements to its smart contract wrappers.
NNT Catch Up
NNT’s editors co-hosted a Smart Economy Podcast X Spaces to discuss ordinal inscriptions, account abstraction, Neo and Bitcoin core development, the nDapp discovery platform, GasBot, and more.
NNT released episode 55 of the Smart Economy Podcast featuring Nathan Windsor, the CEO and co-founder of Landslide Network, an IBC-enabled Avalanche subnet that allows any Cosmos-based dApp to run natively on the Avalanche network. Topics of discussion included the differences between Avalanche and Cosmos at a protocol level, the strength of an Avalanche-Cosmos bridge, the role of permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks, and much more.
Jan. 30: Flamingo Finance hosting Community Lagoon on its official Discord server.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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