General Updates
Neo launched NeoNS, the first name service provider for the Neo N3 network, allowing users to create a digital identity in the form of an NFT-based domain name. NeoNS is designed to map machine-readable identifiers (i.e., N3 addresses, NeoFS shared links, other metadata) to more easily readable names such as NeoNewsToday.neo. When a NeoNS domain is registered, it is minted as an NFT on the Neo N3 network that the domain owner holds directly in their wallet. To acquire a NeoNS domain name, users must pay a cost varying between 2 and 200 GAS per year, determined by the number of characters in the name. Any Neo N3 compatible wallet can be used to register, browse, send, and receive NeoNS domains.
Neo Global Development launched the NeoPod initiative, designed to empower dedicated and knowledgeable community members to help expand the reach of the Neo blockchain. NGD believes NeoPod can positively impact participants by connecting them with other passionate members from across the globe, deepening their knowledge of the Neo ecosystem, enabling contributors to get their voices heard, and much more. Anyone interested is encouraged to apply for the initiative.
GhostMarket integrated support for Flamingo Finance, allowing users to purchase NFTs using NEP-17 tokens other than the currency requested on a listing. Before Flamingo’s integration, users were required to purchase an NFT using the NEP-17 token requested by the seller. Now, users can make offers using any supported token. The new implementation is designed to reduce user friction when buying, bidding, and placing offers on NFTs on the Neo N3 blockchain.
GrantShares proposal tProof is onchain and continues to await an endorsement from a voting member, while the Boost Forthewin proposal expired after remaining unendorsed. The *Updated* Renewed iOS SDK (Milestone 1 of 3) proposal was endorsed and has received five votes in support, with voting ending Oct. 3.
Rentfuse added support for lending and renting of NeoNS, Blockchain Cuties, and Meta Panacea NFTs.
NudesToken released the list of winners from the first round of its ongoing Fun Facts and Data Tweet rewards campaign. Ten winners are randomly selected every two weeks and will receive 10 billion NUDES tokens. NudesToken announced the launch of its second ongoing rewards campaign, Nudes Week, which focuses on a different theme each day. Lastly, NudesToken released statistics about the NudesArmy meme-to-earn website, noting an increase in memes created, votes, comments, and total users.
TOTHEMOON launched TTM token staking that will yield Infrastructure Deed NFTs, which can be redeemed for a chance to mint a random Moon Infrastructure NFT. TTM is also hosting a Secret Colors Contest among its community, where the winning color will be the name of the final Legendary section of attributes in Moon Device NFTs. The contest concludes at 5:00 p.m. (UTC) on Oct. 4, and the reward has yet to be announced.
O3 Labs released its quarterly report for Q3 2022, which noted the addition of a GhostMarket GM token liquidity pool, a new O3 Swap logo, and much more.
Developer Updates
NeoLine added support for NeoNS to the mobile and Chrome extension wallets. Users can now send assets to wallets using their associated NeoNS domain name.
NGD Enterprise released the first preview of Neo WorkNet, a tool that makes it easy for developers to test their smart contracts on a private fork of MainNet or other public networks. Neo WorkNet is the latest addition to the Neo Blockchain Toolkit. It is useful for testing smart contracts with complex interactions, especially those that interact with multiple deployed contracts simultaneously.
NNT Catch Up
NNT released episode 15 of the Smart Economy Podcast, featuring Andrew Jekimochev, community lead of Blockchain Cuties Universe. BCU is a blockchain collectible adventure game launched in Dec. 2017. Discussion topics include the nuances between traditional and blockchain-based game development, the origin of BCU, how the community shapes the project, how the blockchain-gaming space has evolved over time, and more.
Oct. 3: Decoding Web3 Tour – Boston College.
Oct. 4: Decoding Web3 Tour – MIT.
Oct. 5: Decoding Web3 Tour – Harvard.
Oct. 6: Decoding Web3 Tour – New York City (Featuring university clubs from NYU, Columbia, Fordham, Cornell, and Parsons).
Oct. 12: Decoding Web3 Tour – University of Michigan.
Oct. 13: Decoding Web3 Tour – Northwestern University.
Oct. 14: Decoding Web3 Tour – University of Illinois – Champaign.
Oct. 17: Decoding Web3 Tour – University of California – Los Angeles.
Oct. 18: Decoding Web3 Tour – University of Southern California.
Oct. 20: Decoding Web3 Tour – University of California – San Diego.
Oct. 24: Decoding Web3 University Tour – University of California – Berkeley.
Oct. 25: Decoding Web3Tour – Stanford.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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