General Updates
Flamingo Finance will increase the Flund DEX-traded fund’s exit fee from 0.5% to 2%, beginning 8:00 a.m. (UTC) on Monday, Aug. 8. Since the April launch, the fund has accrued more than 1.5 million FLM tokens from trading fees. The team has also integrated a fiat on-ramp onto the DeFi platform. Lastly, Flamingo released an overview of July’s trading metric, noting approximately US $98 million in total trading volume.
Forthewin Network is conducting an airdrop to wallets that hold a fused cryptonaut NFT. Eligible wallets will receive a locker key NFT, with 3,000 NEP tokens accessible after one year. The snapshot will be taken at 5:00 p.m. (UTC) on Thursday, Aug. 11.
TOTHEMOON is airdropping Item NFTs to holders of Waxing Crescent Phase Character NFTs. The wallet snapshot took place on Aug. 5.
Mega Oasis announced a “New Feature Experience Event” to begin at 10:00 a.m. (UTC) on Wednesday, Aug. 10, and conclude at 2:00 a.m. on Aug. 15. To be eligible, users must register a profile on the Mega Oasis site, connect their Twitter profile, and make an offer on an NFT. Mega Oasis also announced that Mega Oasis Series III: Ilex Genesis, will open at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 17.
SendNudes concluded the GhostMarket meme competition and distributed 100,000 GM tokens to the top 10 contributors, who can be found on the announcements channel of the NudesArmy Discord server.
iNeuron shared a video of the winning team discussing their developer experience at the recent HACK-A-Thon 5.0. Neo was a co-sponsor of the in-person event.
Switcheo released its monthly report for July 2022, noting upcoming plans to integrate support for bridging assets between its native Carbon chain and Neo.
The GrantShares request for funding for the Hub for NEP-17 tokens expired onchain, and will need to be refined and resubmitted as a new grant proposal. AxLabs also hosted a GrantShares ShillYourProposal Twitter space with William Song, the founder of Lyrebird, to discuss the cNEO auto-compounding wrapper that was recently awarded a grant.
Developer Updates
Neow3j was updated to v3.18.1, introducing a range of minor improvements. The latest changes by AxLabs include new diagnostics in invocation results, reduced GAS costs when initializing empty arrays, and bug fixes. The SDK also received new diagnostics that can be retrieved alongside invocation results.
Neo SPCC launched NeoFS on the T5 TestNet, following a list of new enhancements designed to make the system faster and more reliable. The team also teased the upcoming launch of its CDN, a new NeoFS-based service that will help developers deploy their websites to its decentralized network.
NNT Catch Up
NNT published a new Polaris feature on Forthewin Network, which won an Excellence Award in the recent Neo Polaris Launchpad. The platform supports common use cases such as trading and staking, while also allowing users with no coding experience to mint and list tokens. Ultimately, the Forthewin development team intends to offer a tool for new dApps and projects to fundraise and distribute tokens to early supporters and users. The project received an equivalent of US $8,000 in prize funds for the Excellence Award and 3,111.95 GAS in the Polaris Plus community voting round.
Flamingo maintainer Odd Jørgen and AxLabs founder Guil. Sperb Machado participated in a Cryptoslate interview at the BlockDown 2022 conference in Croatia. In the interview, they discussed how Neo can protect against oracle exploits with its built-in oracle, how to attract new developers, trustless development, issues with average users in web3, and what it is like to develop on Neo.
Neo Global Development released an overview of Neo’s footprint at Consensus 2022, which took place in June in Austin, Texas. The overview includes video recordings of interviews and panel discussions from ecosystem leaders that participated in the event.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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