Quirky Soul College and Neo Candy have collaborated on a new skin, which was recently added to the Vending Machine feature of the Neo-powered QSC game. The QSC Vending Machine allows users to obtain unique skins that can be equipped on Quirky Soul NFTs. Alongside COZ, Neo Candy becomes the second project to offer a skin through the Vending Machines. Users who’ve minted and applied a Candy-based skin on their Quirky Soul NFT by April 14 will receive a CANDY airdrop of an undisclosed amount.
To get a new skin from the Vending Machine, users must own a Quirky Soul NFT and a LOLLI NFT. One unique Candy-theme skin can be minted per Quirky Soul and LOLLI NFT combination. For example, if a user has three Quirky Soul NFTs and two LOLLI NFTs, they can only mint two Candy-theme skins in the QSC game.
Neo Candy is a suite of Neo N3 tools and games developed by Yannick Koitzsch, a Neo community developer. The LOLLI NFT series launched in July 2022, has a total supply of 222, and was designed to provide various benefits to owners within the Neo Candy ecosystem. Koitzsch aims to strengthen and grow the Neo community by supporting other community projects.
Quirky Soul College was developed by Rentfuse founder Michael Fabozzi and designed to be a Tamagotchi-like game where characters grow over time. The objective of the game is to acquire QSC NFT characters and level them up to win missions more efficiently and earn rewards. The first QSC NFT mint phase, wave zero, concluded in Jan. 2023, and wave one is currently underway with 191 QSC NFTs remaining at the time of press.
To mint a Neo Candy-based skin, visit the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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